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Riddhi (student)     17 February 2011

Teacher locked student- Negligence?

Would a teacher be held negligent in a situation where she sent a mischievous boy to a class next door and asked him to write an essay; locking him inside and then forgetting to open the door? Neither of the school authorities open the door untill next morning ; when the student is found unconcious. 

1) Would the teacher be negligent? 

2) Would the school authorities be held negligent? 

3) Is there a case similar to this one? 


 8 Replies


I think asking the boy to write an essay will not amount to punishment.But locking him amounts to corporal punishment,since it's mental cruelty

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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     17 February 2011

Corporal punishment (Locking) is banned both under International Convention and National law.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 February 2011

The parent may obtain medical certificate from civil hospital and report of Psychiatrist/clinical pychologist.

If other students/staff stand witness the matter/and parents of the students can not be subdued by school authorities.

You may lodge a written complaint with school authorities asking for an immediate action and reply and rport to the Sec education and police and print and electronic media.

Even the parent s of th child can admonished for cruelty.

Such incidences can cause long lasting/irrepairable damage to the personality of the child/ and cause personality disorders, abnormalities, and can also lead to adverse effect on the other children witnessing the scene.

There should be a deterrent.

Teacher and school authorities  should undergo appropriate punishment and should reform and agree to mend their ways in writing.

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Originally posted by :Riddhi

 Neither of the school authorities open the door untill next morning ; when the student is found unconcious. 




How come the parents did not rush to school after school hrs.,to search him in the school itself,on the same day when he was locked?

Were they not bothered that the child hasn't returned?


If they were bothered,they would have first come to the school and looked for him in his classroom only,instead of looking in other places.Right?



If parents were bothered,they would have reached the school on the same day,broken the classroom lock with the help of school guard and rescued him.The situation would not have become so bad.


Even if they had gone to police to lodge missing report,the police would also have gone to the school first,to look for him,instead of looking in other areas.


But the parents also seem callous.Hence the child remained locked.


By,the way,how old is the child?

Riddhi (student)     18 February 2011

thank you for your replies. They have put the issue in better perspective. 

The child was 10 years old. The parents did inquire at the school after hours, but upon being told that no child was on school premises; they left. They did try to locate the child, but did not file a missing report. 

Michael Kushner (Manager)     18 February 2011

Writing an essay is not a big issue and for this, punishment like locking  does not mean.Locking is, you can fire a case against school authorities.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     18 February 2011

Please see if IPC 346 and other Sections of IPC are applicable. Section 346. Wrongful confinement in secret Whoever wrongfully confines any person in such manner as to indicate and intention that the confinement of such person may not be known to any person interested in the person so confined, or to any public servant, or that the place of such confinement may not be known to or discovered by any such person or public servant as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be punished with imprisonment of either descripttion for a term which may extend to two years in addition to any other punishment to which he may be liable for such wrongful confinement.

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