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Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     05 March 2012

National commission for protection of child rights (ncpcr)

India’s Supreme child rights panel, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) will complete five years when it celebrates its foundation day Monday.


“The last five years of the NCPCR have shown that it is possible to fight all forms of violence and discrimination against children by working unitedly against the common goal of making the world a better place for children,” said a statement from the panel.


“This year, we have been able to finally formulate a set of guidelines for eliminating corporal punishment in school and all other settings which will be released Monday,” it said.


Headed by Shanta Sinha, the NCPCR was set up in March 2007 under the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, to ensure that the laws, policies, programmes and administrative mechanisms are in consonance with the child rights perspective.


Recently, the NCPCR has also taken suo moto cognisance in cases such as that of baby Falak who had been battered and abandoned at the All Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).


Other than the launch of guidelines on corporal punishment, the NCPCR foundation day will also have a lecture from UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Education Kishore Singh. It will also be addressed by Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath, and Women and Child Development Secretary Neela Gangadharan.


 7 Replies

cm jain sir (ccc)     05 March 2012


If mother has deserted the children and berserking from taking the responsibilities of them due to matrimonial related issues then how to prosecute mother.

If I want to take some action against her then what is the risks involved.

whether she may ask custody of the children?

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     05 March 2012

Despite the tall claims, the said organization has not lived upto the fame. I have personally recommended few cases to them, without any results.,


Shonee Kapoor
1 Like

bhima balla (none)     06 March 2012

I agree. The government so focussed on female infanticide has not taken adequate measures to decrease overall Infant mortality rate-which is amongst the highest in the world. Appropriate sanitation,provision for toilets that lets diseases kill children are far more important than the issues these organizations speak about.They also deal with so called child labor-while the allotment for the same is miniscule (in lakhs per state!).I agree that these entities make tall claims, good for people hogging the limelight, while the fact is nothing is happening on the ground. On right to education less said the better!

All they can do is to deprive children of their father's love and guidance and call it women empowerment!

2 Like

yes yen (company secretary)     06 March 2012

every child has the fundamental right to live with its father and mother if not with others.  when husband and wife claim their fundamental rights through various provisions to demand for separation / divorce, I feel no one including the judiciary has ensured the above fundamental right of the new born/young child.  This is to say when husband or wife can demand for their right for separation or divorce, they forget the such rights of the child to have the support /affection / love of both the parents and fight for the custody of the child and further more attempts to obey the laws and guidance for operating the visiting right thus trying to avoid such small opening for the child.

marriage is a contract between two and they have every right to recind if problem arises. that right to recind should be available till the child birth only.   after child birth both of them have the responsibility to take care of the interests of the child and the being a separate entity has the fundamental right to enjoy such support.  as such when a third party enters in the scene, how can they recind their contract without satisfying the rights of the child.   no one of them can be / should be sole guardian of such child.   giving custody of the child to one party alone is utterly wrong.   all the laws should compel the warring husband or wife to compulsority stay together in the interest of the child whether they like it or not.   in  a nutshell, the fundamental right of the child to live with its parents, whatever may be the attitude of the father or mother, should be ensured by enforcing " specific performance of the contract of marriage " if separation / divorce is sought after child birth.

if they seek separation or divorce prior to child birth and without pregnancy, then any one including the judiciary can think and decide about the dispute.

let us stop the atrocitites against the new born child in the name of welfare enforcement in f/o the husband or wife.     most of the above cases are on filmsy and false grounds only misusing the provisions of the act all of us know I am sure.

this is not to insult or injure any one and made with sole aim of protecting the children from the arrrogance and ignorance of the warring groups.





1 Like

stanley (Freedom)     21 March 2012

The National commission for protection of childs rights is not of much use .what have they done towards shared parenting in india which is a childs basic right .Approach them with a case and you will be cut off from them in a very sweet manner .

bhima balla (none)     28 March 2012


bhima balla (none)     28 March 2012


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