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Nandha (NIL)     11 November 2012

Mo returned as person 'deceased'

Dear Ld. lawyers,


My wife left me 6 months ago with my one year kid just for trivial matters. After several requests and with intervention of elders, she is not coming back. Meanwhile, I have sent two regd. post letters so far requesting her to join, but the letter came back stating 'refused'. Also, I have been sending money order , but it comes back stating 'refused'.


This time, when the money order came back, the reason is stated as 'Deceased'. I think an error might have happened while data feeding by postal dept staff because by God's grace my wife is very much alive. At the same time, I doubt something fishy as they might be planning something else.


Should I approach the postal department regarding this and correct the error? If I just leave it as an typo error, will this error affect anywhere during court proceedings?


Anyone, please advise/suggest.




 10 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     11 November 2012

Blessing in disguise !

Two ways to look at NEWS;

One -
File for custody of child under GWA citing Postal department A/D slip along with witness (postal department) examination with complete records in Court. This way you are starting softest civil litigation which eventually you have to if you never met your child till date and only lived all these times on social pleadings world i.e. come back come back…… And if she is really no more then child custody is all yours based on legal wordings of the Act “minor custody………first to natural father and after natural father to any other fit person who claims custody of minor…….”

Two - She actually means the relationship is "dead" hence proceed with Divorce and give me alimony and leave me and my child alone. It is hint to you to leave emotions and sentiments and become practical as message is conveyed by her via postal department to you.  

How you take above interpretations is now totally upon you.

Nandha (NIL)     11 November 2012



Regarding para ONE:  can we really do that? one of my relatives even spoke today morning with my wife on some other matter. Then how can this be done? After she left my house, i did not visit my wife or child at her parents home. Will the court entertain such a case just relying on postal department message? won't the court ask me whether I had checked with her parents etC? What if the post dept says that it's an error and regrets for the same?? 


Regarding para TWO:  She actions had already confirmed that she's not interested to keep the marriage alive. 


My question, should i approach the postal dept. to check whether this is indeed an error or whether the postman was told to write such a word.


Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     11 November 2012

Why not! Go ahead and enquire, it will just show that you were concerned....And Nandha isnt life beyond LAWS...





Ranee....... (NA)     19 November 2012

Actually your wife left you because of your illicit relation with your relative.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     19 November 2012

Originally posted by : Ranee.......
  Actually your wife left you because of your illicit relation with your relative  

 @ Utpala aka Ranee

Stick to brief instead of making it trivial. Where this author did wrote in this (above) brief that he has illicit relationship with his relative? And even if you jump to conclusions reading his other post of today which I replied re-read it again and tell where he wrote in that second post of today that he is having instead there he asked what if…...

So donot talk like idiots here if you donot know how to reply to legal queries.

Ranee....... (NA)     19 November 2012

Two - She actually means the relationship is "dead" hence proceed with Divorce and give me alimony and leave me and my child alone. It is hint to you to leave emotions and sentiments and become practical as message is conveyed by her via postal department to you. 


the wife who is not accepting MO and reason showing is deceased...yet you saying 

alimony and leave me and my child alone;)

a husband who has raised queries on if he can donate his sperms to his relative who he FOUND  just after 6 months of his wife left him and you are advicing him sooo nicely and calmly about all the possible ways in which he can keep her in his home and maintain his ILLICIT proves your sanity..

so first look at yourself, then judge others..if legal forum means advicing these nonsense then advicing false 498A is not a fault/wrong by an advocate to extract money.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     19 November 2012

@ Utpala aka Ranee

To two post in context by same author I stand by both of my replies;

1. This post question is clear and thus replied clearly what Law thinks about such questions.
2. The other post question is also clear and thus replied what Law thinks about such questions and they are not mine made Laws.
3. I didnot mix both posts while replying to second post by same author as it does not specifically get mentioned in his second post and secondly it is not Chamber discussion where complete picture one gets of facts a client brings to us for possible remedy. Here it is just fly by approach as that is the limitation of internet queries. The internet based legal Q & A are all like façades and a specific question leads to specific reply no emotional jumping Jill like you do here. PERIOD.
4. Your agreement to those advocates who advise S. 498a and extract money is your opinion. I differ to them on two grounds one by suggesting S. 498a you are sending a person immediately to jail announcing him guilty before a Court can even do so which unfortunately no other Law does have the power to do so and second you are next extracting money also from that person (bail) and also from your female client also who sends that person to Jail. On sanity napkin point of view now see whose reply carries weighting; a person whose marital life is over and wants to somehow pull his life by opting for live-in when no laws on live-in formulated as yet? or a person sent to jail and money also extracted and no marital life he ever will have then?. You are killing a person thrice all in name of marriage and further he is just asking and has not said that he has kept one female in 6 months of his wife leaving so pre-assumption and sitting as Judge to internet enquiries and jumping Jill playing is not my style to attend to here the and may be yours truly being abala and thus you are in favour of those pro Advocates who suggest S. 498a as if they are zipping up after peeing akin to normal routine.  
5. On question of alimony suggestion I again stand on my advise as that is what he will end up paying either way i.e. by divorce or by incarcinating under S. 498a or bigamy or even far reaching thought of live-in route if ever he opts as Hindu Law is not for penalizing but somehow saving institution of so called marriage. How? By giving abala money (alimony dear) and keeping her shut-up at the end of the day. Change Law not the Law what is Law which is already in present form. You see any Judgment on bigamy what is the end deal by Jstc., pay money some cases too little some cases too high that is end of Justice according to lots of Judges. You see evolving Judgment on live-in Judges say law needs to evolve so end of arguments on live-in. Thus, see technical nuances in Law while replying and never bring emotions and sentiments while replying to queries as it is no once case after all at the end of internet discussions.

Now on Law point beat me on these two enquires which I gave as suggetsions to this author of the post by you taking Chair for a moment i.e. your favorite style Judgmental spur of the moment idiotic replies I love to have debate on it now from your mouth.

[You here used are all generic.]

That is why I said your reply here is idiotic and I stand by my choice of wordings you may sue me and I will defend myself to any forum you wish to bring me to. Common pick me once in Court and see how fast I sell your white Car in second hand market.

Ranee....... (NA)     20 November 2012

Tajob, I am busy these days,so can't fight with you like before..if you are in fighting mood you search somebody else for your TIMEPASS.

Oh, then you checked my FB you often write about my car..

so I checked yours too few months back..

now should I attach three screenshots , one of Mediscrape, one your LCi and one your FB profile and request LCI people to find out the similarity of three of them??:P:P

soch lo...aapka bhanda fooot jayega..??ha ha 

Nandha (NIL)     20 November 2012

Originally posted by : Ranee.......

Actually your wife left you because of your illicit relation with your relative.


.... and you are the primary witness as you were holding the lamp during the process of illicit relationship!! 

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     20 November 2012

Can something be done to stop this daily fight between these two vetrens.





Shonee Kapoor

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