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Deepa Shetty V   29 March 2019

Moot court problem need a solution as appellant

Prabath and kavya studied in K.L Engineering college and after completing their studies, they started working together in the same office.They proposed each other and they got married on 12.06.2012 at Bengaluru.A male child was born out of wedlock.
everything went out well till 1st march 2014,when father of prabath died and prabath's mother and sister started living with him.Dispute started between Prabath’s mother and Kavya.Kavya started misbehaving with prabath and her mother in law.she started coming late from job and she was not giving proper explanation for delay to prabath.One day after quarrelling with prabath,threatned prabath in front of his friends,mother and left matrimonial home and started living alone along with her child.
Kavya came back again after persuasion, her behaviours remained disrespectful and coming late from job same as before.after few days,kavya left her matrimonial home by taking jewellery,expensive clothes and articles of dowry and started living in a separate house.due to some reason kavya left the job.
Kavya files for divorce and maintenance application in family court and a maintenance of Rs.10,000 per month was awarded and divorce was granted in the year 2015.Kavya remarries on 08\10\2017 and after that ,prabath stopped giving maintenance.In 2018,kavya’s second husband died without any assests.meanwhile prabath got promotion and started getting more kavya filed another application along with her son(minor represented by his mother kavya)in family court for enhanced maintenance and court awarded Rs.30,000 per month as maintenance and decreed the suit in favour of son and kavya.prabath has filed and appeal in high court against family court.kavya(along with her son) has approached high court for enhanced the case is before high court of Karnataka for final hearing.


 1 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     29 March 2019

What is the query?

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