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Narayana Swamy (security)     15 February 2020

Can we create a private police force in india ?


  We have running one NGO Organization for protecting Environment. We have also formed" Tree Protection Committee" and with the co-operation of Municipal Corporation and Telangana Government Forest Department, we are planting Trees and taking care for 100 % survival of Trees. We have lodged several complaints to Forest Department and local Police and the offenders are booked by Forest and Police Department.The Government of Telangana also introduced "Haritha Haram"programme  and planting lakhs of Trees but Trees were destroyed by the Antisocial elements.

  Due to increase of Real Estate Business in cities, during the night time, Trees were destroyed by the builders using JCB and Tractors and Police and Forest Department officials are not responding during night time and sometimes local police and Forest Officials are not responding properly on our complaints due to shortage of Govt staff and taking advantage of this, builders destroying Trees during night time and aerly morning hours and escaping.

   So, We would like to form "Tree Protection Force " to have vigilance on Trees round the clock and to catch the offenders and also to impose fines as per WALTA Act and to remit the collected fines to the Forest Department in order to protect Trees.

 So, Can we form a "Tree Protection Force "by having a seperate Van/Jeep like Police Van ? If yes,whom we have to approach ?


Narayana Swamy



 6 Replies

Sourav Das (Advocate Supreme Court of India)     16 February 2020

Approach to police commissioner and forest department

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     16 February 2020

Despite of having good aim and object, unfortunately you cannot form such type of police or force etc. rather it shall be better to seek direction from high court against strict action against through local police against the miscreats/smugglers/builders etc. who are indulged in this game.

1 Like

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     16 February 2020

Any citizen can undertake any activity that is legal, but one should not take the law into his hands when there are certain law-keepers for protection appointed by the government.    In Electronics age, there are sever miracles that can be done without spending huge amounts and consult a professional for better monitoring legally or search in google about such electronic surveilance.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     17 February 2020

Originally posted by : Narayana Swamy
So, We would like to form "Tree Protection Force " to have vigilance on Trees round the clock and to catch the offenders and also to impose fines as per WALTA Act and to remit the collected fines to the Forest Department in order to protect Trees.

 So, Can we form a "Tree Protection Force "by having a seperate Van/Jeep like Police Van ? If yes,whom we have to approach ?

1. APPREHENSIVELY, you would be wanting to have a "parallel law enforcement power" in a democractic & federal system, in India,  which is a usual ambition of many prudent Indians.

2. Make a Try and observe what happens. Liasion with the Home Dept., of your State, for your purposes.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

Narayana Swamy (security)     17 February 2020


Can a State Government have authority to allow our Organaization to run Private Tree Protection Force ?

Narayana Swamy


Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     17 February 2020

1. YES.  PROVIDED the State Govt., makes & passes such law, to allow Private parties to take additional control over their statutory laws.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal



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