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MOHANRAJ R   06 August 2020

SOS for my parents

I beg before you, legal experts, lawyers, judicial personnel to help for my parents and myself to the "rare of the rarest" civil case on my house.

In short, I let you know how we cornered. My parents show "SOS - Save Our Soul" now as their only property had about to lose.

I put it very precise.

We belong to Samayapuram, Trichirappalli of Tamil Nadu. Adjacent to the temple, there's a river flowing. On the banks of it, there are houses which still have no pattas'. Still the area people approach the revenue officials to issue pattas' on their poramboke lands.

In 1986, my father purchased one of the poramboke land from a dealer who lured money. Few thousands were dealt. My father built a brick-house in the same year. Since 1986, we have been living there for 34 years. During 1989 to 2000, my maternal uncle along his family stayed in the absence of our family. My father was working as noon meal organiser in government school. He got transferred to various schools within and out of our own district. That's why.
In between, my maternal aunt had quarrelling with the dealer's wife. The dealer was expired. But, due to enmity, the dealer's wife filed a case in local court, stating that the land was issued for lease. My parents were fully ignorant. We hadn't approached the court. The judgement was given exparte.
Realising it, my father arranged a lawyer. My parents and my maternal uncle were the petitioners.
1336 days, we had not approached the court, it says. My parents was not talking with my uncle. Our consulting lawyer was died meanwhile. My parents were so ignorant. No sincere correspondence over all. The case was went in favour of the opposite citing 1336 days of absence of ours.

Local court condoned.
Madurai subordinate court also directed the same.
The opposite lawyer who was residing nearby and his tactics won. My parents were so ignorant and their only property now is about to go out of their hand.

Realising all, I approached the supreme court. Again, review pute forth. Simply they dismissed. Not in our favour.

I request you, to guide me in our pathetic situation.
Only thing, on the same thread, remaining, is a caveat petition.

Kindly guide me. I'm about to furnish the requisite fee.

Can I file afresh stating all?
We have all the required documents. Why are not we supposed to get a fair treatment?

Please help us.


 4 Replies

{Balu manikantan} SUBRAMANYAM (Practising Advocate)     07 August 2020

Facts are not clear. why did you approach the supreme court circumventing the High court, moreover when your delay has been condoned why you did not fight the case in the trial court.

 what was the supreme court order.

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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     07 August 2020

You have already stated to have engaged and paid an able, competent and intelligent lawyer who is well aware about facts and circumstances of the case, what is his/ her advise ? However, if you have lost faith in him/ her (your lawyer) change him/ her immediately.

Why do you need second opinion from experts on this platform except the fact it is available FREE OF COST ?


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G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     07 August 2020

Please understand that in a complicated case where it went up to SC, and when your advocate expired, you have to get back all the papers available with your advocate and contact his assistants or some other local advocates that can study the entire case and suggest a way out.   You can only expect first aid from open forums, and precision surgery has to be performed by expert surgeons depending on complications.

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P. Venu (Advocate)     07 August 2020

The issue has attained finality with the decision of the Supreme Court.

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