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MOMO is a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian preparation. A fresh green vegetable filling is wrapped with fine wheat four and steamed well in a big or small pot depending on your requirement. Some like it well steamed and some like it a bit raw with favour of both vegetable and flour or meat and flour emanating to please the diner. Eyes eat first and, therefore, the preparation is presented in an oval or circular shape. The taste buds give their verdict once the salivary glands have gone into action. The verdict of the diner is the last word on the subject.


Please do not laugh at this new kind of comparison of mine where I have likened my marital life or yours as being akin to Momo. What rubbish, a serious reader may say. I am serious too. Over a period of four decades pus that my loving wife and I have shared our home and hearth, life and living, joys and sorrows - I find that everything has to look pleasing to the eye and tasty to palate. In other words nothing should be obnoxious. A pleasant environment leads to a happy marital life. All sorts of discord, dispute, both major and minor, leave a bad taste in the mouth The bitterness just cannot be sweetened with  all the perfumes of Arabia and the blood of the king remains on the hands of Lady Macbeth.


The love life may continue to be sweet even after the happily married couple has celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the marriage anniversary. On the contrary love life may go sour right on the wedding night when the newly weds share the bed legally and the stolen love is converted into legal love Something goes amiss. Romance is gone. The additional kick of a kiss implanted on the lover's lips at an unexpected moment and an unexpected place fades away. Why does it happen?

The husband-wife equation goes awry, I guess. The pre-marital kiss was between equals; the post-marital kiss is between the Lord of the House and the subservient wife. That new relationship pierces like a thorn in the flesh of the loving beloved now turned into a faithful and obedient wife. The thorn is indeed poisonous.


The husband must not fall a prey to the oriental philosophy of family life where the husband behaves like a feudal lord. The modern educated wife both in the East and the West is no serf now and  claims equality in the marital home. And why not? The concept of marital equality is not new to the human society.

Vedas were revealed by the Almighty God to Mankind at the beginning of the Creation. Based on it is the Vedic wedding and that is a  sacrament; not a contract. The bride and the groom walk around the hoy fire of HAVAN together, take SEVEN Steps in the North-Eastern direction and take a vow of togetherness with each step.

The seventh step is indeed the foundation of a happy marital life. Both take a vow that they would be FRIENDS and EQUALS thereafter. Perfect .

By Chitranjan Sawant

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Category Family Law, Other Articles by - Chitranjan Sawant 
