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Queries Participated

Sharad   31 July 2011 at 09:05

How this hardle be solved?

RTI Act Section 21 states " No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act or any rule made thereunder."

Section 23. "No court shall entertain any suit, application or other proceeding in respect of any order made under this Act and no such order shall be called in question otherwise than by way of an appeal under this Act."

Say in some cases it is found following other laws are evaded then what action any person as individual can take or initiate.

All below sections are from IPC.

Section 166: CIC or SIC's order not implemented. Or order given by First Appellate Authority i.e. his boss not followed. Does this means doors from justice are closed? You have to go to HC if no action is taken by PA? Pile up cases and delay justice?
Like this there are many sections like 174, 177, 180, 182, 186, 188, 217, 218 etc. etc.

How this hardle in the law can be solved? Public servant go on doing offenses.

Is there any solution to normal person like just file a NC in police station and then file a criminal case with JMFC? JMFC can check under 154 or 202 or any other suitable section and issue notice / warrant as the case may be.

If High Court is the only solution how this can be done in low cost or do it yourself type. Is there any facility available with the courts? and do they do or help in this fashion?

Basically this hardle is faced by individual persons spending money from their own pocket to set some part of the track on line. If there is no solution then I should say "मेरा भारत महान!" and keep mum.

Anonymous   13 July 2011 at 09:23


Please let me know how the journey traveled in general compartment can be proven in court , as ticket is taken by railway ticket collector at the railway station.So What could be the way to prove journey of general compartment ?


mahesan   13 July 2011 at 09:00

sale of trust property

Trust was formed for the purpose of education of nearest area childrens in the years of 1970. Trust had many acres of land. How can sold particular S.F. land in trust properties? Court permission is necessary?

Anonymous   02 July 2011 at 10:04

Should I withdraw RCR in to fight Annulment case?

-Wife filed for annulment/divorce on ground of husband's alleged impotency one month after marriage.
-After wife filed for annulment, husband filed RCR but before receiving notice on annulment petition from court.
-The family court counseling, mediation and lok-adalth failed.
-The case has been posted for evidence on next date.
-Now, 2 yrs has been passed, I want to file for divorce on mental cruelty if she either not ask for my medical checkup or test results comes in my favour.
-So, on next date, if i withdraw RCR, will it create any adverse result on my side?

-What is the best strategy to get divorce on mental cruelty and 2yrs separation on the given below situations?

a) she does not file application for my medical checkup

b) she moves application for my medical checkup and the test result comes in my favour.

-Should I withdraw RCR for the above relief? If yes, at what time should I withdraw RCR? Please help.

Anonymous   02 July 2011 at 09:56

Mutual Consent Divorce

Dear All

Please tell me that in mutual consent divorce where first motion is granted on grounds that husband will give a residential property to wife in the name of her n 2 children. Now husband wants to give the same house to all 3 of them where they were living together. What would be accepted by court, registered gift deed in the name of 3 or relinquishment deed in their name?

Does it need to be registered before the second motion or can be later also to ensure the wife does not move back.
Pls answer my second question also...

Anonymous   02 July 2011 at 09:18

Domestic violence, 498a

Dear All need urgent suggestion,

Daughter in law is not staying with us from the last 1 year (and has taken 2 1/2 year son with her to her parents house and staying with them) and is not willing to resume her married responsibilities.

They have sent a word through one common friend that either take the girl back or pay 10 lacs to them. In this case we have never once said that we won't be taking the girl back as we have never sent her back to her family. On pretext of spending a week with her family she has gone to her parents place. Which we conveyed the same to the mediocre family as the question does not arise of paying money when we haven't sent her to her family home. During this she once came to our place to collect her gold set from our place along with one local mahilla mandal member. She herself is not willing to come back and resume her responsibilities. Her parents are also supporting her in this.

We have never said anything to her and never asked any money/dowry from her. We are educated middle class family. We are staying in Mother's house gifted to her by her mother. There is mother in law, 2 sister in laws (both unmarried).

Kindly suggest what sort of dv case she can put on us as we are in a fix and how we can save ourselves.

(Please note the house is mother in law's and its gifted to her by her mother and not of daughter in law's).

Also i'm concern whether she can put false case on my unmarried daughters as both are of marriage able age now.


Anonymous   01 July 2011 at 02:52

Regarding Daughter's claim in ancesral property

Dear all the experts,

My query is according to daughter's equal rights in ancestral properties.Sometimes we get the scenarios in the community that woman X is well settled. She and her husband is pension holder. Her sons, daughter in law and grandsons are in high position in top Companies having monthly salary take home as in lakhs.They each have at least 2-3 properties in metro city.
But In similar way the brother Y of X woman is not financially stable whatever asset he has is the property left by his ancestors (land). Things including court cases and court matters regarding the property are fought by her brother Y and his children. All the property related taxes are filled by her brother from so many years. Brother and his children scarify their life to maintain the property and fought for the property. Brother won the court cases against the oppositions and now think to sell the property for his daughter's marriage, sister X is in good relation with (Y)don’t want to claim her brother stating orally that she is satisfied woman and ready to give NOC. what steps we need to conduct to have NOC from her?

But if daughter(X) want to claim on property will she claim?

Infect there is authorized document released by widow mother of(X and Y) 68 years back that the whole property belongs to her son(Y); Daughter(X)'s name is not mentioned in the document. will it shows that property belongs to son? Please revert me for clerification.

Anonymous   30 June 2011 at 22:51

Marriage with Foreign National


I am planning to marry a foreign national under Special Marriage Act 1954. Can you please help me out with the procedures & the documents required.


vtreddy   21 June 2011 at 09:18

model reply profama to legal notice

i need model reply letter for legal notice

Anonymous   21 June 2011 at 09:17

Complainant's where about

hello all learned i am the lawyer of complainant and he lodged the complain u/s 138 of nego thrrough me now at present the said case is on the evidence but i am not contact with him he left his service place there is not any kind of the contact from there now what i should do ? Accused is ready to pay the amount the complainant but complainant is not there whether court can dismiss the case even though lawyer present in the case on behalf of him pls inform me regards