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Ankit   13 June 2023 at 16:23

Amount deposit condition for bail

My lawyer has shown willingness to deposit amount in a cheating case. But court no where ordered us to deposit the amount. For ready reference I am attaching the link to High Court order.
Please guide me🙏

Anonymous   25 January 2022 at 06:03

Difference between "burden of proof" & "onus of proof" ?

Can anyone tell me a judgement which explains what is the distinct difference between “burden of proof” and “onus of proof”?

Alternatively, it would be nice if it can be explained in two or three sentences in plain language.

Javed Ali Khan   24 January 2022 at 21:44

Fair rent case

I have filed a petition for fair rent u/s - 17(6) of the west Bengal Premises Act in 2014 before the Additional Rent Controller at Alipur judges Court, Kolkata. The opposite party is my tenant. The matter is still as of date lingering since 2014. The hearing date was fixed several times. But due to reasons like the opposite party was sick, the post of the ARC was vacant for a long time, then covid - 19 pandemic, till date the hearing never happened. Is there any way to apply for speedy disposal of the case with the higher court?

mabusubhani   24 January 2022 at 14:09

Rectification deed

Respected sir
In original register deed property mentain as my ancestors Property and also VRO give declaration as property belongs to my ancestors.
Now I can change my ancestors Property as my husband's ancestors Property in rectification deed

karthik sivaraj   09 January 2022 at 15:06

Wife not interested to live me but she claimed maintenance

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hi, I got married in March 2018. I am working in abroad (at the time of marriage also), she is from Bangalore. After 30 days of marriage i returned back to job in abroad, every thing was fine but suddenly she stopped communicating to me after 2-3 months without any reason, (she was conceived at the time). Then i tried to call her, arranged visit visa everything but she denied to come with me and she started going job.. After baby (boy) born, their family not allowed me to see my kid (until now it continuous).. I keep on supporting financially whenever i receive salary (since covid starts i lost job for six months tried and get job later), I tried a lot 3 years to make her understand but she told her job is only important and she is not interested to live me., Then i keep quite sometime and also due to jobless situation again i could not able to support her (from jan 2021), I am still in abroad due to work visa expiry i cant come to india, she used this situation and moved to the court under sect 125 (b)., now 7 hearing completed from my side i dint do anything, recent hearing status shows "petitioners evidence"...

I request to kindly advice me what i can do now., even now am in abroad looking for a job. 

And she never live me, never talk to me, never show my kid to me (now he is 3 years)., how to defend this this.

(I have proof for whatever i sent money through online to her until dec 2020)..


CB JayaKumar   08 January 2022 at 15:16

Partnership firm

Dear Sir,

The partnership firm at will (6 partners) is registered in Register of Firms, Tamil Nadu in 2012 but was not renewed till date - almost 9 years. We have paid income tax based on partnership PAN till date. One of the partners created problem, disagreed to cooperate and the company was dissolved on Apr 30 2021. A notice was sent to dissented partner about dissolution on May 5.

My question is can the dissented partner appeal to court.

FYI, The company was not renewed and 5 partners agreed and dissolved without the dissented partner's signature. We cannot cancel company registration from TNREGNET because of non -renewal of partnership firm.

Please suggest any ideas.

Anonymous   06 January 2022 at 20:14

Child maintenance

Hi, I am currently 17 years and my sister of 13 years, and my father thought earning above 60 lakhs+ / anum. Is is not playing for my daily expenses like tuition fees, extracurricular fees, etc(which is must for a person who earns that much). I am currently staying with my mom and my days had filed a divorce case against her. Can my mom file a child maintenance case. If yes howmuch will it cost and how long will it take?

raju   06 January 2022 at 19:40

Case transfer within same court

Can case be transferred within same court as court not cooperating in criminal case and no hope of justice. As in transfer application can mention the facts as afraid court will get annoyed. Whom to approach.

raju   05 January 2022 at 22:01

Appeal in criminal case

Application for prepone of date was filled in criminal complaint IPC Private and court rejected the sane. My query is can any appeal be filled before District and Session Judge against the order of JMFC.

G. ARAVINTHAN   05 January 2022 at 12:56

Un probated christial will - validity

Whether a Christian Will not probated, but marked before the Indian Succession Act - Amendment Act, claiming title over a property valid ?