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Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     26 November 2010

26th November, The Constitution Day

Dear friends,

Today,  26th november, is the anniversery of enactment and adoption of the Constitution of India. I have created a poem of 40 verses in the praise of Indian Constitution and have named it  "Samvidhaan Chaalisa". For the sake of  convenience , I reproduce the same hereunder . Similar thoughts can be found on my blog

 संविधान चालीसा


(नोट: भारत के संविधान में देवत्व का आभास करते हुए इस "संविधान चालीसा" की रचना की गयी है और इसके द्वारा भारतीय संविधान के मूल दर्शन को इंगित करने का प्रयास किया गया हैचालीसा की पंक्तियाँ लगभग संविधान के अध्यायों के संयोजन के क्रम में हैं- डा० वसिष्ठ नारायण त्रिपाठी)

भारत दिग्दर्शक स्वामी जय जनता उर अंतर्यामी
जनमत अनुमत चरित उदारा सहज समन्जन भाव तुम्हारा॥
सहमति सन्मति के अनुरागी दुर्मद भेद - भाव के त्यागी॥
सकल विश्व के संविधान से। सद्गुण गहि सब विधि विधान से॥
गुण सर्वोत्तम रूप बृहत्तम। शमित बिभेद शक्ति पर संयम ॥
गहि गहि राजन्ह एक बनावा । संघ शक्ति सब कंह समुझावा

सब जन एक समाना। असम विषम कर करहु निदाना॥
करि आरक्षण दीन दयाला। दीन वर्ग को करत निहाला॥
हरिजन हित उपबंध विशेषा। आदिम जन अतिरिक्त नरेशा

बालक नारि निदेश सुहावन। जेहि परिवार रुचिर शुभ पावन॥
मंगल गुण संविधान के। दानि मुक्ति,धन,धर्म ध्यान तें॥
वेद, कुरान,पिटक ग्रन्थ के। एक तत्व लखि सकल पंथ के॥
सब स्वतंत्र बंधन धारन को। लक्ष्य मुक्ति मानस बंधन सो॥
पंथ रहित जनहित लवलीना। सकल पंथ ऊपर आसीना॥
यह उपनिषद रहस्य उदारा। परम धर्म तुमने हिय धारा॥
नीति निदर्शक जन सेवक के। कर्म बोध दाता सब जन के॥
मंत्र महामणि लक्ष्य ज्ञान के। सब संविधि संशय निदान के॥
भारत भासित विश्व विधाताजग परिवार प्रमुख सुखदाता
रचि विधान संसद विलग, अनुपालक सरकार।
आलोचन गुण दोष के , न्याय सदन रखवार॥
मित्र दृष्टि आलोचना , न्याय तंत्र सहकार॥
रहित प्रतिक्रिया द्वेष से, चितवत बारम्बार॥
देत स्वशासन ग्राम ग्राम को। दूरि बिचौधन बेईमान को॥
दे स्वराज आदिम जनगण को। सह विकास संस्कृति रक्षण को॥
बांटि विधायन शक्ति साम्यमय। कुशल प्रशासी केंद्र राज्य द्वय॥
कर विधान जनगण हितकारी। राजकोष संचय सुखकारी॥
राज प्रजा सब एक बराबर। जब विवाद का उपजे अवसर॥
जो जेहि भावे सो करे, अर्थ हेतु व्यवसाय।
सहज समागम देश भर, जो जंह चाहे जाय॥
सबको अवसर राज करन को। शासन सेवक जनगण मन को॥
सब नियुक्त सेवा विधान से। देखि कुशल निष्पक्ष ध्यान से॥
पांच बरस पर पुनि आलोचन। राज काज का पुनरालोकन॥
जनता करती भांति-भांति से। वर्ग-वर्ग से जाति- जाति से॥

अबुध दमित जन आदि समाजा। बिबुध विशेष बिहाइ बिराजा॥
भाषा भनिति राज व्यवहारी। अंग्रेजी-हिंदी अवतारी॥
विविध लोक भाषा सन्माना। निज-निज क्षेत्रे कलरव गाना॥
राष्ट्र सुरक्षा संकट छाये। सकल शक्ति केंद्र को धाये॥
राज्य चले जब तुझ प्रतिकूला। असफल होय तंत्र जब मूला॥
आपद काल घोषणा करते। शक्ति राज्य की वापस हरते॥
अति कठोर नहिं अति उदार तुम। जनहित में संशोधन सक्षम॥
बिबिध राज्य उपबंध विशेषा। शीघ्र हरहु कश्मीर कलेशा॥

दुष्ट विवर्धित लुप्त सुजाना। आडम्बर ग्रसित सदज्ञाना ॥
राम राज लगि तुम अवतारा। लक्षण देखि वसिष्ठ बिचारा॥
जिनको जस आदेश तुम्हारे। सो तेहि पालन सकल सुखारे॥
प्रभु की उत्तम पूजा। तुम्हरो कछु उपदेश दूजा॥
सो तुम होउ सर्व उर वासी। पीर हरहु हरिजन सुखराशी॥
यह चालीसा ध्यानयुत, समझि पढ़े मन लाय॥
राज, धर्म, धन सुख मिले, समरसता अधिकाय

॥ इति श्री भारत भाग्य प्रदीपिका संविधानसारतत्वरुपिका च संविधान चालीसा सम्पूर्णा ॥


 72 Replies



In the concluding part of the SAMVIDHAN CHALISA it is said;


ram raj lig tum Avtara ! l9` deiq bis*# ibcara !!


Over all the chalisa is OK but this line fails the entire chalisa.  This line appreciates "KINGDOM OF A KING" and "Bashishth" was promoter of "KINGDOM OF A KING" which has no place in democracy.  In democracy there is no place of any KING (Ram) and promoters (like Bashishth) of a KINGDOM are ANTI-NATIONAL elements for working against the CONSTITUTION OF A DEMOCRATIC STATE.


So chalisa is flop due to this one line.


Dear Tripathi ji,


Ours is a democratic secular constitution of a democratic secular state and also it is a UNION of various religion & language.  I believe that you will also consider that "Ram", howsoever you treat it as a name or word, related to a particular religious community.  Whereas the constitution is too wide.  Using/including this word to describe the constitution of India is not justified.


I suggest if you replace the word "ramraj" by "lokraj" than your such great efforts will be succeeded.


As regards your name "Bashishth" in it, I can understand it as OK like;



kha> myqane ka drvaja gailb AOr kha> va[j (mOlvI)

pr [tna jante hE. kl vo jata 4a ik hm inkle


Like gailb” here, "bis*#" is your tqLlus.



And one more suggestion, please put your name in inverted sign like; bis*#” so it will be clear.




More view here;

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A tribute

to the founder of

world’s greatest democratic constitution

of our great democration nation


Ever Great Krantisoorya

Vishvandaneeya Parampoojya

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar


Suchitra. S (Advocate)     26 November 2010

We, at least legal fraternity, know the Constitution was the result of many enlightened persons who were in the committee formed for the formation of our constitution. It is the result of efforts of all the members who were from all the different backgrounds. We should respect all of them including the President of the Committee. For us, Indians, constitution is Supreme and no other. 

It is so nice of you, Tripathi ji, for making us remember the auspicious day. But sorry, I cannot appreciate your poem as it is in Hindi and we are just able to understand a bit. But am sure it must be fantastic work by you. 

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Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     26 November 2010

fantastic work by Dr. Tripathi


there are certain people who are born to criticize everyone and the admin has allowed them to put contributions here....but fortunately I am not one of them.


framing of constitution was not a handy work of a single individual, the whole committee comprising of intellectuals from various states/provinces/princely states (at that time) worked hard to make a comprehensive constitution.


it will be sheer display of vanity if a single individual has to be given credit of framing of constitution.


Ram Raj was a dream of Mahatma Gandhi and was duly endorsed by people like Ambedkar and well acknowledged by Constituent Committee.


its really unfortunate to see there are certain people who still want to split the society mere in the name of Ambedkar....remember this date witnesses another horrible event....the 26-11-2008 Mumbai Attacks.


on 26-11-2008 terrorists came from Pakistan with their ultimate intention to split and destroy India and unfortunately we have certain people among ourselves only who are trying to split India by merely using their caste and Ambedkar's name as weapon.


Dont know when Indians will accept themselves to be Indians first, for how long people will keep on using caste has their tool to promote their political agenda....I am clueless.


Have a courage to be an Indian.

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Really LEARNED??? UNBELIEVABLE ......... 


Reason is here why judicial system is failed in India.

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     26 November 2010

and people like you failed entire nation....this fact is believable 

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O so called Advocate ! don't dare to direct attack on me or my one kick will throw you out of this democratic India......................


it is celebrated as LAW DAY. The rememberance of the authors of constitution of india

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Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     27 November 2010

Thanks Mr. Ganeshan. You are right.

Since, I was concentrated on the Constitution that is the supreme Law, I delibaratly used the term "Constitution Day"

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     27 November 2010

who is afraid of you?


my cell no. is there, you can fix an appointment....come to me then I ll let u know who will kick u out of here...

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Huh.. Budkak...


Huh.. Budbak...

Dear Tripathi ji, overall it is very good and you really did not only fantastic work but outstanding and surprising too. And we are going to make wall posters of it and will keep on all the offices of DRF. It is become very easy for everyone to understand our great constitution. And, yes, I will not forget to include the "Note" above with your signature. Thank you very much and great honour for you from all of us for this great creation.
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