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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     28 March 2011

Chhavi Rajawat dazzles at UN


Plz. Have a look at the news below,



MBA sarpanch Chhavi Rajawat dazzles at UN meet


UNITED NATIONS: There was a sense of disbelief among ministers and ambassadors from diverse nations when the chairperson of the 11th Info-Poverty World Conference held at the United Nations introduced the jeans-clad Chhavi Rajawat as head of a village in India. 

For, from a distance one could easily mistake Rajawat, an articulate, computer-savvy woman, for a frontline model or at least a Bollywood actress. But she is sarpanch of Soda village, 60 kilometres from Jaipur , in backward Rajasthan and the changing face of growing dynamic rural India. 

30-year-old Rajawat, India's youngest and the only MBA to become a village head -- the position mostly occupied by elders, quit her senior management position with Bharti-Tele Ventures of Airtel Group to serve her beloved villagers as sarpanch. 

Rajawat participated in a panel discussion at the two-day meet at the UN on March 24 and 25 on how civil society can implement its actions and spoke on the role of civil society in fighting poverty and promoting development. 

It is necessary to re-think through various strategies of action that includes new technologies like e-services in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in an era where resources have become limited, she told the delegates of the international conference. 

"If India continues to make progress at the same pace as it has for the past 65 years since independence, it just won't be good enough. We'll be failing people who dream about having water, electricity, toilets, schools and jobs. I am convinced we can do it differently and do it faster. 

"In the past year alone, I and the villagers in Soda have brought about a radical change in the village purely through our own efforts. We have had no outside support - no NGO help, no public, nor private sector help," she said. 

On achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Rajawat said she sought full support from outside agencies and the corporate world. "I thank United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) which had deputed its senior adviser in India Mr Babu Lal Jain to visit Soda and extend all support in the opening of the first bank in the village. That made all the difference." 

"In three years I will transform my village. I don't want money. I want people and organisations to adopt projects in my village as often projects fail owing to lack of a local connect and that is what I am here to provide by bridging that gap. 

"I want the conference to help bring about faster change so that this generation can enjoy that kind of life that I - and you in this audience - take for granted," she said to thunderous cheers from the delegates.

 15 Replies

Vicky (c)     28 March 2011

Its impressive.

Great work

2 Like

Rocker (n/a)     29 March 2011

Good work by Chhavi!!!

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Ambika (NA)     29 March 2011

@ Democratic Indian

I am sure she must be having a gun too

@ Bhartiys No. 1

Thanks for posting this....very interesting...

3 Like


If there's a doctor at LCI,please treat Democratic Indian urgently.Unhe dil ki bimaari ho gayi hai.

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     29 March 2011

It shows that India is safe and secure in the hand of such women, and hoping and expecting  such talents in our Parliament also very soon.

 And we the entire Nation are proud of her achievement. 

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Democratic Indian (n/a)     29 March 2011

Thank you all for your responses from the core of my heart! But I find the actions of Admin sometimes really disappointing. Without giving any reason they have removed my post from this thread. Did anyone find my post offensive in any manner? What wrong I had done in that post? Every one was happy. Moreover for unknown reason they have placed 1 hour limit on my account. What is the harm in informing someone that he is doing wrong? They can edit the post if it contains some offensive material.


Don't get disheartened DI.


Today web cleansing is going on.Many threads/posts have been removed.


Maybe your crush's dad/uncle could see your remarks about her beauty in a public place like LCI and might have objected.She is not a film heroine about whose beauty you can pass comments openly.She may be modern,but her family members being from village may not like this openness in her appreciation.

You do one thing.You already know by now in which village she works.You get in touch with her and voulunteer to support her in her causes.


This way you will meet her in person.

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So you thanked me DI,when I said ki tumhe dil ki bimaari ho gayi hai:)


Ms. Chhavi Rajawat is an exceptional case and do not represent Indian women. Here, these are also Indian women, please have a view on real facts of Indian society;

Women in India not yet considered a Better half of the Indian Society and still being treated like second citizens. Why GHAR-MALKIN iss meant for Zhadu-Ponchha and Name-Plates at the House is of MR.FALAANE DHIKAANE and women at home is identified as MRS. FALAANE DHIKAANE? Even in the cases where both husband & wife are working, on return home the wife restart at Kitchen etc. and husband watches TV and orders like “I am tired bring me a cup of tea..” and relax like a King over a servant wife. Just imagine the conditions of house wives.


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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     30 March 2011

very good post by ram samudre above.


why dont indian men help wives in kitchen after returning from work?


in the west all work is dividd b/w spouses on 50:50 basis.


why dont men have such a mentality here?


if they share work its gud for them only.


there will be less dependence on domestic helps who are the prime reason of robbery in families.also no tensions and fuhts b/w kaamwalis and wives when kaamwalis dont wash utensils properly or come to work late or take too many chuttis in a need to pay them the salary.the money saved thus can be used by the couple to enjoy their married life also.


and men will also get rid of their fat protruding bellies which they  develop after marriage

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Originally posted by :Roshni B..
" very good post by ram samudre above.

why dont indian men help wives in kitchen after returning from work?

in the west all work is dividd b/w spouses on 50:50 basis.

why dont men have such a mentality here?

if they share work its gud for them only.

there will be less dependence on domestic helps who are the prime reason of robbery in families.also no tensions and fuhts b/w kaamwalis and wives when kaamwalis dont wash utensils properly or come to work late or take too many chuttis in a need to pay them the salary.the money saved thus can be used by the couple to enjoy their married life also.

and men will also get rid of their fat protruding bellies which they  develop after marriage


Roshni ji, our Indian society was ever GULAM in the history was ever governed by the power of mussle and sword and so the women were ever kept in possesion by mussle power. You please remember SATI PRATHA. Women is treated as the DASI of male persons and all the name of the religion.  I think you are also well aware of DEVDASIs who were kept in the temples and were misused like a “material of enjoy” by the Pujaris and their so called powerful upper class people. I can write 100 pages on this issue of the position of Indian women but you know that our society is still full of fundamental communal people and so here at LCI and they will start another campeign against me and the first reaction will be another ban on me or I will again kept under 1 hour restriction.


The change in the life of Indian women happened when Britishers reached here and the people (including women) come across the education. Modern education started here and they have started here universities and colleges. Co-education started and the society started treating women like a human being. But still the condition of women as wife at home is not such changed. We can see the marriage functions in as how the women is presented in the make up with a “Dulhan”. Start from there the women enters in an institution where she is given the status of “a person in possesion”.


I ever like to suggeest a way out is to learn english. If women lernt english it will give a boost in there thinking like a free person and this the fundamental communal do not like to free the women from their possesion.


Please click here and review; (Ms. Chhavi got this position just because she is learned in the English language)

Ambika (NA)     30 March 2011

She may not represent Indian women but she has set a good example : A rishi Velley student has kept up to the image of the school--it is an alternative school with focus on environment , critical enquiry and non competitive education.  It needs a different mind set  to leave a promising  career, which she had,  and get back to the roots. By the way Rishi Velley kids work with grassroots. I am not surprised that one of its alumni took a different road....

I wish she contributes in a significant way to the social and economic development of this village and inspires many many women to be in the leadership position ( de facto leaders).....

@ Democratic Indian

your post was in the good spirit! Good natured compliments for this daughter of an army officer!!

BTW, you were already in the one hour restriction club, weren't you???

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     30 March 2011


It is not right to divert the discussions and Separate thread may be started for that.

Here we must cheer up the Hon Chhavi Rajawat, so that others will follow her and we need more like her. So, let us wish and encourage her for her achievements.

Well-done and Congratulations to Hon. Chhavi Rajawat,

I and on behalf of every likeminded, Wish You A great Success in All of Your Present & Future endeavors. 

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Rocker (n/a)     30 March 2011

"It is not right to divert the discussions and Separate thread may be started for that."

Absolutely correct. Some people butt in the thread without any reason to shout their nonsense propaganda because they cannot tolerate the praise of someone's good work. If people will start praising good work, then who will listen to their nonsense? Actually they do not want anyone to do good work, so their nonsense propaganda stays on the top. This is their dirty trick.

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