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Amod (Manager)     09 June 2011

Property transfer process in case of joint owners death

My brother is currently evaluating purchase of a flat (3rd resale), the histroy of which goes like this-
The 1st owners of the flat were (1) Mother in law and (2) Daughter in law
Mother-in -law dies without having a nominee or a will.
Daughter-in-law gets notorized affidevits from the legal heirs, gives notice in local news paper on the same. Basis these documents the society makes Daughter in law sole owner of the property and transfers the shares in her sole name.

My question to you is - is this process adequate for getting the property shares transferred? Should the society not ask for legal heir/ succession certificate from the high-court or co-operative society court ?

Now the daughter-in-law sells the property to her son (for a nominal sum) from whom my brother is purchasing the property.

I wanted your views on the legal implications of the same.
Though the society share certificate has sole names of thedaughter in law and then her son on it, what if some one emerges as a legal heir of the mother in law who had died and who has not given affidevit?

What would you recommend.



 3 Replies

Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     09 June 2011

Legal heirs give a notorized affidevits to the Society and they have No Objection for that If Daughter-in-law name trasfer in society records and other records and thereafter Daughter-in-law sale this property any person. If  any legal heir of the mother in law not give affidevit so they can give NOC and file a case against Daughter-in-law and Daughter-in-law is not add her son name in share certificate without registered Sale Deed / Gift Deed.

Amod (Manager)     09 June 2011

Thank you for a prompt response.

But how to determine that all legal heir had given their NOC/ Affidevits.

The daughter in law has already executed a Sale deed with her son and now the society records are reflecting son's name.

What happens if any person emerges as a legal heir of mother in law from whom NOC was not taken. Would the sale deed between daughter in law and her son be valid?

What is the best way to ensure that ALL the legal heirs of mother in law are covered?

Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     20 June 2011

Without concent of legal heirs u make a sale deed and transfer the name of your son it's not legal If any legal heir file a suit for her/his share u give her/his share from this property so u make a declaration all legal heirs about this sale deed and they all r agree for this transection / sale deed and confirm this agreement.

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