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revribhav (Hindi)     28 April 2014

S.p.c.a. prevention of cruelty against animals

The humanitarian cause of animal welfare suffers greatly in India because of rampant inefficiency and corruption coupled with laxity in law enforcement.

Despite all these negative traits there are human beings who live for the cause of basic humanity that is,LIVE AND LET LIVE.

SCOEITY FOR PREVENTION OF CRUELTY AGAINST ANIMALS (S.P.C.A.)has been working in many places in india to make the administration and society comply positively  with rule of law(s)

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960

Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

 8 Replies

revribhav (Hindi)     28 April 2014

Due to consistent efforts of aware citizens,the Pashu Krurata Nivaran Samiti,that is,

S.P.C.A. Ajmer has been revived consequent to meeting of members held on 23.03.2014


The basic onjectives of the "samiti",that is, working for shelter to stray animals and stopping the cruelty against animals  have been set out in the attachment with relevant particulars

Presently there are no resources at the disposal of S.P.C.A. Ajmer,except the will power to work for the great cause..

Attached File : 706898463 april 14 spca samiti news.pdf downloaded: 191 times

revribhav (Hindi)     29 November 2014

26.11.14 Office of the Jt. Secretary,Ministry of Animal Welfare have issued a letter in respect of regular meetings of SPCA ajmer, there is also expectation of registration of SPCA ajmer with Animal Welfare Board,Chennai.

revribhav (Hindi)     01 January 2015

There is a kind  and compassionate person,namely Chainaram in Bhopalgarh area district  Jodhpur (Rajasthan,India) who is so activists for saving the life of snakes that he does not bother for doing a routine job instead he prefers the life of a living being ,he catches snakes and releases them in the forests.

Sourse:Rajasthan Patrika Jodhpur 21 October 2014

revribhav (Hindi)     04 January 2015

Indeed it is not only our moral duty to care for living beings,Article 51a (g) of the Constitution makes it the requirement of every Indian citizen to have compassion for living creatures,.

Attached File : 80703410 save life snake jodhpur patrika clip 001.jpg downloaded: 180 times

revribhav (Hindi)     04 May 2015

One of the consequences of human technological progress is that we are becoming too mechanical ignoring the forces of nature around us. Earthquakes are still making the human life miserable,but for animals they come as no great surpirse. In 1974,before a massive quake in China,snakes abandoned hibernation and crwled out of the ground,pigs climbed walls,hens would not go to roost,and trained German Shepherd dogs refused to obey their owners. The Chines people heeded those warnings,evacuated the area,thus hundreds of thousands of people were saved. ..

revribhav (Hindi)     04 May 2015

Earthquakes are still making the human life miserable,but for animals they come as no great surpirse. In 1974,before a massive quake in China,snakes abandoned hibernation and crwled out of the ground,pigs climbed walls,hens would not go to roost,and trained German Shepherd dogs refused to obey their owners. The Chines people heeded those warnings,evacuated the area,thus hundreds of thousands of people were saved. ..

revribhav (Hindi)     04 May 2015

Earthquakes are still making the human life miserable,but for animals they come as no great surpirse. In 1974,before a massive quake in China,snakes abandoned hibernation and crawled out of the ground,pigs climbed walls,hens would not go to roost,and trained German Shepherd dogs refused to obey their owners. The Chines people heeded those warnings,evacuated the area,thus hundreds of thousands of people were saved. We may instead of being mechanical followers of modern technology,make the forces of nature our living companion. ..

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