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Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     26 July 2007


A gist about the Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition) Act and the Tamilnadu Rules and the statutory compliances to be made under the said Act are as follows:




i) Applicability: 


Applicable to establishments employing 20 or more workmen as contract labour The Act also applies to contractor who employs 20 or more workmen in one establishment.


ii) Duties and Obligations:

a. The Establishment has to be registered under the Act as Principal Employer. 

b. A Register of Contractors in Form-XII has to be maintained by the Principal Employer as per Rule 74 of the Tamil Nadu Contract Labour [R & A] Rules, 1975.

c. The Principal Employer should furnish a Certificate in Form-V to the Contractors engaged, as per Rule 21(2) of The Tamil Nadu Contract Labour [R & A] Rules, 1975.

d. The Contractor in turn has to apply for issue of license in Form-IV  accompanied by the prescribed fees and Security Deposit at the rate of Rs.50/- per contract workmen, he / she proposes to employ, subject to a minimum of 20 workmen.

e. The Contractors so listed have to maintain the following Registers as per the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Central Rules, 1971.

╖         Register of workmen employed in FORM XIII

╖         Employment Card in FORM XIV

╖         Service Certificate in FORM XV

╖         Muster Roll in FORM XVI

╖         Register of Wages in FORM XVII

╖         Register of Wages-cum-Muster Roll in FORM XVIII

╖         Wage Slips in FORM XIX

╖         Register of Deductions for damage or loss in FORM XX

╖         Register of Fines in FORM XXI

╖         Register of Advances in FORM XXII

╖         Overtime Register in FORM XXIII



f. Returns to be submitted to the Registering / Licensing Authority:


Form No.          Sec & Rule        Periodicity              Last date for submission



By Principal Employer:

Form No.XXV  Rule 82(2)                     Annual              15[suP]th[/suP] February

By Contractor:

Form No.XXIV Rule 82(1)                Half-yearly    30[suP]th[/suP] January /31[suP]st[/suP] July.


iii. Consequence of Non-Compliance of the Requirements:


Any obstruction to an Inspector, in discharge of his duties, refuses or wilfully neglects to provide reasonable facility or refuses to produce any register or other documents, may attract imprisonment up to 3 months or a fine of Rs. 500/- to Rs.1000/- or both.


 3 Replies

Shaji Joseph (Lawyer)     29 July 2007

Very useful information. Can anyone give the particulars of the registers to be maintained under the factories act

cutcrap (n/a)     23 January 2008

Hi Prakash,

I need the information on Relieving policy for a campus graduate who is having a bond.

One of my friend workig in a MNC and she had a bond for two years service / Bond breakage value is one lakh. she has completed her 22 months of service in the present organisation & due to some personal reasons (Marriage) she wants to resign. Now the Company HR's are asking her to pay One lakh. But she is not in a position to pay them that amount & can you please suggest us the way how she has to approach in this issue.. 




milan (n/a)     04 February 2008

Hi Prakash,

Please can you help me out for formats of statutory compliances forms.



[user=2]yedhulaprakash[/user] wrote:
"A gist about the Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition) Act and the Tamilnadu Rules and the statutory compliances to be made under the said Act are as follows:




i) Applicability: 


Applicable to establishments employing 20 or more workmen as contract labour The Act also applies to contractor who employs 20 or more workmen in one establishment.


ii) Duties and Obligations:

a. The Establishment has to be registered under the Act as Principal Employer. 

b. A Register of Contractors in Form-XII has to be maintained by the Principal Employer as per Rule 74 of the Tamil Nadu Contract Labour [R & A] Rules, 1975.

c. The Principal Employer should furnish a Certificate in Form-V to the Contractors engaged, as per Rule 21(2) of The Tamil Nadu Contract Labour [R & A] Rules, 1975.

d. The Contractor in turn has to apply for issue of license in Form-IV  accompanied by the prescribed fees and Security Deposit at the rate of Rs.50/- per contract workmen, he / she proposes to employ, subject to a minimum of 20 workmen.

e. The Contractors so listed have to maintain the following Registers as per the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Central Rules, 1971.

?         Register of workmen employed in FORM XIII

?         Employment Card in FORM XIV

?         Service Certificate in FORM XV

?         Muster Roll in FORM XVI

?         Register of Wages in FORM XVII

?         Register of Wages-cum-Muster Roll in FORM XVIII

?         Wage Slips in FORM XIX

?         Register of Deductions for damage or loss in FORM XX

?         Register of Fines in FORM XXI

?         Register of Advances in FORM XXII

?         Overtime Register in FORM XXIII



f. Returns to be submitted to the Registering / Licensing Authority:


Form No.          Sec & Rule        Periodicity              Last date for submission



By Principal Employer:

Form No.XXV  Rule 82(2)                     Annual              15[suP]th[/suP] February

By Contractor:

Form No.XXIV Rule 82(1)                Half-yearly    30[suP]th[/suP] January /31[suP]st[/suP] July.


iii. Consequence of Non-Compliance of the Requirements:


Any obstruction to an Inspector, in discharge of his duties, refuses or wilfully neglects to provide reasonable facility or refuses to produce any register or other documents, may attract imprisonment up to 3 months or a fine of Rs. 500/- to Rs.1000/- or both.



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