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Chakradhara Aradhyula   15 December 2020

Bank tagged the possession notice wrong open land location

Bank has put possession notice on my open land property which is not at all related to the bank loan borrowers/guarantors/survey-numbers. According to the bank, loan guarantor has showed this place. Its unfortunate that bank hasn't done survey to confirm the land location. Bank is simply proceeding on their further things to do auction and sell this land. After that it will be problem between myself and buyer who purchases from the bank. 

Complaint filed with the bank and higher authorities. I don't have any hope from the bank to help on this. Their intention is to sell the property and wash off their hands. I don't have a choice unless DRT option. Any better solutions in resolving this issue? How many days minimum bank to wait before publishing auction notice?

Any better options in resolving the issue? Your replies will be helping an innocent who is no way related to the loan. In my case, innocent people do get convicted(if Bank sells property in auction) and guilty people do get acquitted( the loan guarantor and borrowers are free). 


Thanks in advance. 


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