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K.V.DHANANJAY (ADVOCATE)     27 October 2008

Fresh Impleading Application Filed in the Madras High Court in connection with the Classical Language Status to Kannada and Telugu

Dear People

My name is K.V.Dhananjay. I am an Advocate. Attached to this message is a copy of the Impleading Application filed in the Hon'ble High Court of Madras seeking dismissal of the Writ Petition 18810 of 2008 filed by Sri R.Gandhi. Sri R.Gandhi had sought the dissolution of a committee set up by the Central Government to examine the suitability of according 'classical status' to the Kannada and Telugu languages.

The Impleading Applicants are Sri.A.B.K.Prasad, Chairman, Andhra Pradesh Official Language Commission and Sri.Deepak Thimaya, a noted scholar from Karnataka. I represent these individuals in Court.






 3 Replies

Murali Krishna (Govt..Employee)     27 October 2008

Good. The writ would not have been allowed to be admitted by the High Court. Formation/appointment of a committee to look in to an issue and give its report does not give any right to any body to get relief. It is prerogative of the government. By such appointment no cause of action arises to the petitioner.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     01 November 2008


 The Union government on Friday gave classical language status to Telugu and Kannada; bringing them into a league presently occupied by only Sanskrit and Tamil.

The announcement was made here by Union Culture Minister Ambika Soni on the eve of the Rajyotsava day of both Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka on Saturday.

However, the Minister added, the decision would be subject to the verdict of the Madras High Court on a writ petition pending before it. The Centre, she said, has moved in the matter to have the petition disposed off. As to how the Centre had moved ahead with the announcement, the Minister clarified that the court had not issued any stay on the matter and the government was informed that it could go ahead with the process subject to the final decision.

The decision to accord classical language status to Telugu and Kannada has been taken on the basis of the recommendation of the nine-member Committee of Linguistic Experts. The matter had been referred to the committee in view of the long-pending demand of the two States.

Ms. Soni said representations were received from a wide spectrum of political and civil opinion in both the States. Only languages which have a proven antiquity of over 1,500 years can qualify for this status. Earlier, the UPA government had granted similar status to Tamil as per a commitment made in the National Common Minimum Programme.

Courtesy: The Hindu, 01.11.2008


Shambasiv (n/a)     11 November 2008

 Seems well drafted mR.Dhananjay. But as Mr.Prakash has said, the announcement is made subject to the result of the writ petition pending. Any way thanks to both of you for highlighting the issue. 

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