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LOKANATHAM   27 November 2023

Landlord given lease rent but there is no lands in revenue records

landlord given lease paid for rent but leased person did not pay, landlord on grounds court attached leased person house and lands in 1964. After 2022 leased persons identified there are no lands in revenue records. Now whether the tenant’s recovered his house and lands.


 5 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     27 November 2023

It is not understood that whether the tenant has got the leased out property attached through a court order or whether the landlord got it attached?

If the landlord has a registered title document on his name, then it is established that he has got clear and markteable title on his name, if so what is your query?

LOKANATHAM   27 November 2023

landlord had a 1953 registered title document showing paimash Nos or suvery Nos, there is NO Revenue Records. only for fradulent registered document. 

in this fradulent registered document based on landloard though court attached to the leased person patta lands and houses in 1964.

Now he got information through RTI Act reocords given by Mandal Revenue Officer, in such a registere title document showing paimash Nos or Survery Nos there is No any lands.

whether the leased person recovered his house and lands?

If YES means How to filing suit and prayer?

If No means Why not to recovery of property?

request to all any one this case solution.

Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     28 November 2023

Show relevant documents to a local prudent lawyer since the facts involve multi legal issues.

Mark Rodriguez   28 November 2023

From the information provided, it appears that there was a legal issue regarding the attachment of the tenant's house and land in 1964. If the lessor determines in 2022 that there is no land registered in the records revenue records, which may raise questions about the legality of the court's attachment order.

Here are some points to consider:

Validity of attached documents:
Verify the validity of the 1964 court attachment order. If the court attaches assets based on inaccurate information or if there are procedural errors, it could affect the legality of the attachment.

Land records:
Check current and historical land records to confirm ownership status. If no land is registered in the tenant's name, it may indicate the attachment is invalid or there is an error in identifying the property.

Legal recourse:
If it is determined that the attachment was inappropriate or based on inaccurate information, the tenant may have legal grounds to request release of their property. Consult with a legal professional to understand the options available and the appropriate legal steps to take.

Legal actions often have a statute of limitations, meaning there is a specific time frame within which to bring a legal claim. The time period from 1964 to 2022 is significant and the statute of limitations may affect the ability to challenge attachments.

Gather all relevant documents, including court orders, lease agreements, and any communications between the parties. This document will be important in evaluating the legal aspects of the case.

Hopefully the materials I provide can help you solve your problem so you can have time to play merge fruit with your loved ones.

P. Venu (Advocate)     28 November 2023

The posting lack clarity and too disjointed.

Why the attachment? If in a judicial proceeding, how the matter was disposed off? 

Why and how the leessor has woken up after 60 years?


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