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Hema Latha   19 October 2015


Dear Experts,


I have query regarding LOP calculation.


Is sandwich leave policy is as per "The Karnataka Shops and Commercial extablishment Act".


In my organization, we are calculating salary as 30/31 days including salary with fixed Saturday and Sunday weekend offs.


My query is if we calculate salary as 30/31 days, an employee taking leave on Friday and coming back to work on Monday. Are we suppose to include Weeknd off's as LOP for 3 days or only 1 day(Friday)?


In the company's poilcy we have not mentioned about Sandwich leave policy. Is this an general rule or as per "The Karnataka Shops and Commercial extablishment Act"?


Though it is not mentioned in the policy, the payroll team is calculating weekend off also as LOP. Please help me in understanding this.






 1 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     19 October 2015

The payroll of Hr is not any authority. The establishment has to subscribe to the enactments applicable to the establishment e.g: 


The Karnataka Shops and Commercial extablishment Act

Payment of Wages Act

Min.Wages Act etc


The way to calculate wages is:

Monthly wages as in appointment letter or CTC etc /26= Wages/day

Monthly wages as in appointment letter or CTC etc /26/8=Wages/hour


The weekly off/holidays are paid days.


The leave policy can provide for provisions inferior to enactments applicable to establishment, but can provide superiro benefits..............

if there is no snadwitch leave applicable then you can't apply.


In case of violation, the epnalty shall be imposed by Inspectors appointed under the enactments that apply.

You may check with:

Inspectors appointed under: The Karnataka Shops and Commercial extablishment Act

Or consult an able labor Law Consultant.



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