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Page no : 4

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 November 2010

" in ancient india "

concept of india is a very modern thingh, in considaretion to ancient india. in ancient days, in fact there was nothingh like today's geographical and political india.

for the sake of this discussions we should take almost whole of the world, where india is a part only.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 November 2010

yes munne bhaisahab you are right.

i am with live in relationship with someone.

i have gone through the marriage also.

the experience is bitter. i cheated in my marriage. requested them to take back their girl. instead of taking back they started 498a etc. then i comple to ignore all social norms and started live in.

normally i am a disiplined straight forward and law abiding person. but when i understood that culprits are taking shelter from the present marriage laws and exploiting advantage from it, i ignore the social systems and norms in this regard, and choose my own way.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     21 November 2010

" why did society eventually turn to marriage?"

First of all we have to understand what is "live in" & " the marriage ". diffrence between live in and marriage.

We all animals including the 'hemo sapiens' (human beings) reproduct by establishing conjugal relationship. there was no spouse spousal relationship. no relation like father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister were there. the natural 'live in' do not recogonise any social relationship. every eligible and capable party of either gender, was accessiable to other of opposite gender.  it 'was' 'is' and 'will be'  the natural system.

live in has some tecnical disadvantages. 

1) though it well determine the mother of a person but silent about the father. in a developed and complex society society the father also have to be determined for the various practical purposes.

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     22 November 2010

Cats,donkeys,mice,cows,parrotys,etc also have live in kind relationships...we shud be like them.

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     22 November 2010

Cats,donkeys,mice,cows,parrotys,etc also have live in kind relationships...we shud be like them,so that there's no difference b/w them and us.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 November 2010

yes diffrence is there.

similarity also there.

we should realise it.

if we do not realise or shut our eyes from the reality, then also the material world will remain as it is.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 November 2010

Live in had some technical disadvantages.


1) Though it well determine the mother of a person but silent about the father. In a developed and complex society the father also have to be determined for the various practical purposes.

such as who will feed this child; who will be the hair of a decadesd - for the purpose of distribution of the properties left by the deceased, etc.

2) In the meantime society turns from matriarchal to patriarchal society. Property, capital, source of income etc captured by men, and woman lost their seperate financial identity, therefore determination of father was essential and extreme necessary to the society.

To determine the father of a person, the ancient society adopted a theory, which is called ‘access theory’. The access theory, allows a woman accessible by a man only. Here the society introduced the system of marriage.

Firstly it was group marriage, where among a group, all the group members of the opposite s*x was accessible to all. This system also fails to ‘determine the father’ exactly. Thereafter society introduced the access theory, which allows a woman accessible by a particular or very specific,-  a man only (Through marriage).

This is modern marriage. Actually it is a ‘paternity determination test’

Now modern sciences explore the DNA test. These tests scientifically determine the paternity of a person. This system, I hope, will replace the ancient paternity determination, hence the marriage. Live in, will get past social support, again. It’s past draw back now overcome by the DNA test.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     23 November 2010



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