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Total Polls : 236 Total Pages : 24

Does the new Companies Act suffers from implementation challenges?

Yes 71 %
No 20 %
Can't say 9 %
Total Votes Cast  56
Submitted By : cci_admin

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Do you think a growing number of law graduates are choosing different career paths instead of practicing law?

Yes 89 %
No 8 %
Can't say 4 %
Total Votes Cast  80
Submitted By : cci_admin

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In the light of recent developments in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, do you think justice is delivered arbitary?

Yes 55 %
No 38 %
Maybe 8 %
Total Votes Cast  88
Submitted By : cci_admin

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Do you think addressing judges as "my lord or your lordship" in courts is a relic of colonial era?

Yes 79 %
No 15 %
Can't say 6 %
Total Votes Cast  240
Submitted By : cci_admin

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Do you think sexual assault cases are increasing in legal profession?

Yes 65 %
No 29 %
Can't say 6 %
Total Votes Cast  235
Submitted By : Admin

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Is it possible to enact Uniform Civil Code in this country??

Yes 71 %
No 28 %
No Reply 1 %
Total Votes Cast  92
Submitted By : Dr. Jyothi Vishwanath

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Whether proposed division of Andhra Pradesh state without the consent of majority in State Assembly is legal?

Yes 32 %
No 65 %
Can't say 3 %
Total Votes Cast  99
Submitted By : malipeddi jaggarao

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Should there be an age limit for taking admission to LL.B course?

YES 54 %
NO 46 %
Total Votes Cast  136
Submitted By : Adv Archana Deshmukh

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Should the politicians accused of other than political offices be barred from contesting election?

No. 20 %
yes. 78 %
can not say. 2 %
Total Votes Cast  100
Submitted By : sanjeev kumar jaiswal

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Should political parties be brought under RTI?

Yes 96 %
No 3 %
Can't say 1 %
Total Votes Cast  376
Submitted By : cci_admin

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