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  • The All-India Bar Council was proposed to control the legal profession and establish requirements for legal education. The Advocates Act came into effect in 1961, and the Attorney General and Solicitor General of India are ex officio members of the Bar Council of India.
  • International law firms in India have a long history, beginning in the 1990s when the government liberalized its economy and welcomed foreign investment. An incremental approach to liberalization was proposed in 2009, allowing foreign law firms to establish offices and provide advice on non-Indian law matters.
  • The debate over allowing international legal firms to operate in India has been ongoing for a while. Supporters argue that it would increase competition and provide higher-quality legal services, while opponents argue that it would lead to a loss of control over the legal industry in India due to foreign corporations controlling the market. 
  • Overall, while there may be potential benefits to allowing foreign law firms to practice in India, there are also several potential legal challenges and issues that would need to be carefully considered and addressed


The "All India Bar Committee," led by S. R. Das, presented a report in March 1953 that recommended the establishment of a bar council as the supreme body and one for each state. The All India bar council was proposed as the body to control the legal profession and establish the requirements for legal education. The task of compiling a report on legal changes in administration and assisting India in reforming justice and equality for the entire nation was given to the Law Commission of India.

In order to put the suggestions of the "All India Bar Committee" and "Law Commission" into practice, the Advocates Act came into effect in 1961. The initial chairman and deputy chairman were M. C. Setalvad and C. K. Daphtary.

In India, the legal profession and legal education are governed by the Bar Council of India (BCI), an official organization created under Section 4 of the Advocates Act of 1961. As such, it represents the Indian bar. Its members are chosen from among Indian attorneys. In addition to having disciplinary power over the bar, it also sets out rules of acceptable conduct for professionals. Additionally, it establishes requirements for legal education and recognizes colleges whose law degrees will be accepted as proof of qualification for students to practice law after graduating.

The Attorney General of India and the Solicitor General of India are ex officio members of the Bar Council of India, which is comprised of members elected from each state bar council in accordance with the Advocates Act.

There has been discussion about allowing international legal firms to operate in India for a while, with the Bar Council of India, which oversees attorneys in India, opposing the admission of international law firms in 2018. The issue of allowing foreign legal firms to practice in India has been continuing for a number of years. The Advocates Act, which only permits Indian residents to practice law in India, was cited by the council as evidence that permitting foreign law firms to operate there would be illegal. 

Foreign legal companies were not permitted to practice law in India until last year, although they were authorized to work in the country as consultants for Indian law firms.

Allowing international law firms to operate in India, according to supporters, would increase competition and provide higher-quality legal services. They say that exposure to global standardization will benefit Indian legal companies while foreign law firms will provide crucial investments and innovation.

The opposition maintains that allowing foreign legal firms to operate in India will cause Indian attorneys to lose their employment. Authorities believed that it would result in a loss of control over the legal industry in India since foreign corporations may end up controlling the market. They additionally highlighted how several nations, like China, forbid international law firms from operating there.


International law firms in India have a long history that dates back to the 1990s when the government started to liberalize its economy and welcome foreign investment. The first foreign legal firms to set up shops did so by signing "association agreements" with Indian law firms, which gave them the right to offer advisory services to Indian customers. Beginning in the early 2000s, the Indian government started to let foreign law firms open offices there and provide legal services in some fields, such as international arbitration and litigation assistance. An incremental approach to liberalization was suggested in a discussion paper by the Indian government published in 2009 on the admission of international legal firms to India. Under this approach, foreign law firms would be permitted to establish offices in India and provide advice on non-Indian law matters, but would still be subject to restrictions on practicing Indian law.

In a discussion paper published in 2015, the Indian government proposed that international legal firms may be permitted to operate in India on a reciprocal basis. In other words, international law firms would be permitted to practice in India in return for Indian law companies having the right to operate abroad.

In AK Balaji vs UOI, the Madras High Court made the following decision on February 21, 2012:

"Neither the Act nor the Rules prohibit foreign law firms or foreign attorneys from traveling to India temporarily on a fly-in, fly-out basis in order to provide legal counsel to their Indian clients regarding foreign law or their home country's legal system, as well as on a variety of international legal issues.”

[AK Balaji V. UOI. 21 Feb. 2012.]

The two-judge panel, presided over by Justice V. Dhanapalan and Justice K. Venkataraman took the Supreme Court's rulings in Vodafone International Holdings B.V. vs Union of India and Another into account, where it was decided that in order to liberalize services, including those in the legal industry, it was essential to hire attorneys with knowledge of foreign law. The Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) has been in support of legal liberalization, and the Narendra Modi administration started discussions with the Bar Council of India in February 2015 to enable international law firms to enter the Indian legal market. The Indian Bar Council established Rules enabling the practice of foreign attorneys in India in 2016. Phased formalization of these regulations was done so that Indian businesses and attorneys had enough time to adjust.

[ Vodafone Intl Holdings B.V. Vs Union of India and Another ((2012) 6 SCC 613]

Announcing the Bar Council of India Rules for Registration and Regulation of International Lawyers and Foreign Law Firms in India, 2022 (Rules) on March 10, the Bar Council of India (BCI) opened the door for the entrance of international attorneys and law firms into the Indian legal system.

The Advocates Act states that advocates enrolled with the Bar Council alone are entitled to practice law in India. However, foreign lawyers and law firms can register with the Bar Council to practice in India if they are entitled to practice law in their home countries. However, they must not appear before any courts, tribunals, or other statutory authorities, and must not be involved or permitted to do any work pertaining to the conveyancing of property or title investigation. Indian lawyers working with foreign law firms will also be subject to the same restriction of engaging only in “non-litigious practice.”


1) Sharing of Knowledge

International companies entering India would make it possible for Indian and international businesses to exchange information, experience, and skills. This will allow both parties to enrich and transfer resources.

2) Development of Infrastructure at the Institutional Level

Due to the advent of international law firms, the standard of current legal education will grow, perhaps sensing increasing competitiveness. The emphasis will move from academic cramming to imparting practical information and training in order to put students on par with competitors all over the world.

3) Opportunities for growth in career

 Indian lawyers may have prospects for professional progression by working with foreign legal firms, including the chance to take on international assignments or move to offices abroad.


1) Loss of Chances for Indian Attorneys

The main issue at hand right now is the loss of prospects for regional legal firms and Indian practitioners. This action is being seen in a similar light as how the arrival of inexpensive Chinese goods impacted small local firms and dealers in India.

2) Legal Training Barrier

Another issue is the stark contrast between Indian legal education and training and that of its international equivalents. This raises significant concerns regarding the employment of recent graduates and young members of the legal profession.

3) Future of the youth

The entry of foreign law firms in India could lead to increased competition for jobs in the legal sector, a "brain drain" of talented Indian lawyers, and limited exposure of young lawyers to Indian legal traditions and practices. This could have a negative impact on the career prospects and professional development of India's youth in the legal sector. The presence of foreign law firms in the Indian legal market could also limit the exposure of young lawyers to Indian legal traditions and practices, making it more difficult for them to develop a deep understanding of the Indian legal system and advocate effectively for Indian clients in domestic legal proceedings.

Hence if foreign law firms are allowed to practice in India, it could have several legal repercussions. One potential consequence is a disruption of the Indian legal market, which could lead to a loss of jobs and revenue for Indian lawyers and firms. Additionally, foreign firms may not be subject to the same ethical and professional standards as Indian firms, which could lead to a decline in the quality of legal services in India. The entry of foreign law firms could lead to a clash of legal cultures, with foreign lawyers and firms not fully understanding or respecting Indian laws and customs. There could also be regulatory challenges, as the Bar Council of India would need to determine how to regulate and oversee the activities of foreign law firms in the country.


The impact of foreign law firms establishing a permanent presence in India would depend on a number of factors, including the regulatory environment, the demand for legal services, and the competitive landscape. On the positive side, foreign law firms could bring significant benefits to India, such as increased access to international legal expertise, exposure to global best practices, and the potential to attract foreign investment. However, they may also face challenges in operating in India, such as compliance with Indian regulations and ethical standards, and competition from domestic law firms.


India's foreign exchange reserves and GDP will benefit from the admission of global law firms, and employment opportunities for new law graduates will soar as a result. The drawback appears to act as a deterrent but the advantages of admitting foreign lawyers in India, exceed the drawbacks. Customers will profit from higher quality and more affordable consultation, while exchange programs with foreign law colleges will make it easier to provide international legal education. To ensure that the Indian legal services market can compete with the global legal market, international attorneys must gradually enter India in pre-determined phases to keep the industry afloat

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