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Goal-setting will make a difference in how you experience the second half of life. One of the characteristics of being in the second half of life is having an inner desire to be who we are capable of being. The inner struggle is the nagging question: what now? One of the exciting aspects of getting older is that we are more open to looking at ourselves and more tolerant of others.

This is a critical time in our lives.

And this is indeed the point where we can make a decision that can greatly limits us. The wrong goal is to ignore this inner push forward.Unfortunately there are many people who do not head this inner voice and consequently they do not set new goals. Sadly, they talk themselves out of creating vibrancy by settling for the life they have. Instead of upgrading their lives they rationalize that they are too old, it is too late, there is nothing to be done about their circumstances and settle for the familiar comfort zone. By not setting goals vibrancy is sucked out of life.

Instead what you want to do is ask yourself: what would make my life feel vibrant? Would it be starting your own business. have more friends, live somewhere else, have more closeness with your spouse, find someone with whom you can share your life, improve your sense of well being through exercise, good eating habits and clothes that compliment you. Or you may have some other goals that I have not even mentioned.

Vibrancy comes from taking action and pursuing the things that matter to you. It is trusting yourself to bring forth your interests and desires. By doing that you will set many goals for yourself and they will all be right because they are yours,

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Category Family Law, Other Articles by - Raj Kumar Makkad 

