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50 Tips that may help you


  Compiled by Jose J Matheikel, Advocate, 35/411A North Janatha YMJ Road, Palarivattom, Kochi-25, Kerala , India . Phone- 9447811865.Email-


  1. Basic desire of every human being is the desire to be important among others. That is why people wear latest styles, drive the latest car etc.
  2. The difference between appreciation and flattery – One is sincere and the other is insincere. One comes from the heart while the other comes from the teeth. One is unselfish the other is selfish. One is appreciated and the other is condemned.
  3. Normally people are thinking about themselves. If  one thinks about the other man’s good points, flattery will not come out of his mouth and he can only appreciate the other.
  4. Every person is superior to another in one way or the other.
  5.  The easiest way to make a person do something is to make himself require to do the same.
  6. If you want your son to stop smoking, don’t order him to do so, but show him that cigarette smoking is injurious to health or that the said habit will make him unfit in health competitions.
  7. Every act one performs after his or her birth is because he or she wanted something.
  8. The easiest way to influence a person is to talk in terms of what he wants.
  9. The ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from his angle as well as from your own is the basic secret of success.
  10. The rare individual among the self seekers , who unselfishingly tries to serve others has the enormous advantage of  lack of competition.
  11. It is easy to find fault and criticize, than to try to understand the other persons point of view.
  12. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
  13. It is the individual who is not interested in his fellowmen who have the greatest difficulties in life, provides the greatest injuries to others. All human failures spring from such human beings.
  14. Make a friend by doing things that require time, energy, unselfishness and thoughtfulness for him.
  15. Sure way to achieve happiness is to control your thoughts. Happiness always depends on internal conditions
  16. A sales girl having smiling face without SSLC is better than a  degree holder with a sober face.
  17. Smiling face attracts others to you.
  18. A man without smiling face shall not open a shop.
  19. Smile is nature’s best antidote for trouble
  20. Average man is more interested in his own name than he is in all other names on earth put together.
  21. Be a patient listener when another person speaks to you. Encourage him to talk about him.
  22. .The man who talks only  of himself and thinks only of himself  is hopelessly uneducated
  23. Royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.
  24. Always make the other person important because to be important is the deepest urge in human nature.
  25. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
  26. Every person you meet in your life feels himself superior to you in one way or the other and hence the sure way to his heart is to let him realize in some subtle way that you recognize his importance in this little world sincerely.
  27. In order to achieve best result from an argument, avoid it.
  28. You can’t win an argument , because if you lose it, you lose it and if you win it, you lose it. Why?. Because the other man will feel inferior and you have hurt his pride. You will never get your opponent’s good will by winning an argument against him.
  29. Hatred ends only through love -Buddha.
  30. You shall not tell the other man that he is wrong unless you believe that you are right at least 55%.
  31. Show respect to the other man’s opinions.
  32. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
  33. Scolding parents, domineering bosses and husbands and nagging wives ought to realize that people don’t want to change their minds. They can’t be driven to agree with you. But they may possibly be led to, if we are gentle and friendly.
  34. A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall. Convince the other man that you are his sincere friend and that is a drop of honey that catches his heart and that is the path to his reason.
  35. During conversations , always try to get a reply from the other man YES YES.
  36. He who treads softly goes far.
  37. If you want enemies, excel your friends. If you want friends allow them to excel you.
  38. To be frank, the purest joy of a human being is the malicious joy we take in other people’s troubles.
  39. Life is too short to bore other people with talk of our pretty accomplishments.
  40. Permit the other man to talk about his accomplishments.
  41. Make the other man feel that the idea is his. Rivers and seas receive the homage of mountains because they lie below the mountain.
  42. Don’t condemn the other man even if he is totally wrong. Try honestly to see things from his point of view.
  43. Majority of people that you meet are hungering and craving for sympathy. Give it to them and they will love you. Always show sympathy towards the ideas of the other man.
  44. If you want to get a favour from another man, always appeal to his nobler motives.
  45. Barber lathers before he shaves. Like that always begin the talk with praise and  honest appreciation  .
  46. When you notice a man smoking in your office, give him another cigarette and tell him “I will appreciate if you can smoke this outside”. ie. call attention to a person’s mistake indirectly.
  47.  Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
  48. Give suggestions before giving direct orders, so that the other man gets an opportunity to cooperate and correct himself.
  49. Cultivate the ability to praise minor and every improvements of others.
  50. Be liberal with your encouragement to others. Make him know that you have faith in his ability to do a work  . The result is that he will practice until dawn to excel himself.









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