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A True Citizen

Sameer Sharma
Last updated: 14 July 2010
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A True Citizen –Pledge against Bribe

Where does bribery begin? The same place as everything else - at home, often at a young age. Mothers bribe their children to behave and earn good grades. Fathers bribe youths to marry according to their race and financial position. Dowry, we could say, is another form of bribery. Those who take bribes and pay bribes raise a corrupt family.
Mercy, through personal prayashchitta and sincere penance, can help relieve the bad karma. If powers are used rightly, the kukarmas would be cleared. He who pays a bribe is an accomplice to person who demands it. There are two criminals in each case, he who accepts and he who pays. Inwardly, karmically, they are bound together as one. Those who pay bribes for sake of efficiency or accept gifts without examining the intent may deem themselves innocent, but they are not. Karmic law spares no one.

If every citizen takes a determined resolution not to take bribe and not to give bribe, will become higher law called Aprigraha or non-possession.

Now the question arises, what is bribe? Gratification is any benefit or reward given to influence one in one's behaviour in office and inclines one to act contrary to the rules of honesty and integrity. Anything, whether a sum of money, an object which appeals to one's senses, a dinner, a plateful of fruit, a medicinal pill is gratification with in the meaning of term. Mere demand or solicitation of illegal gratification by public servant amounts to commission of offence u/s 7 of the P.C. Act 1988 - Mubarak Ali vs State (AIR 1958).

Three kinds of bribery: First - withholding services one has been paid to perform until that additional, secret compensation is paid. Second - Favors - contracts, concessions, legal immunity, etc. - are given to those who pay a bribe in cash or kind. Third - to provide a paid service and then exact an additional reward. This is, most easily detectable of all.
Steps Against Bribery - On the governmental level, when you go to a Government office, employees will either not listen to you or they will give you a vague response or some "irrelevant" objection. They are hoping that you will get frustrated and give them a bribe to "move things faster!" Do not give the bribe to them. Use the RTI Act and get your work done. Then only you can perform duties of true citizen of India.

There is serious karma involved in all forms of bribery, which tears down a nation, which tears down a community, which tears down a family, which the younger generation, hopefully, will not put up with.

Time has arrived to take pledge that as a true citizen of India we will never briber any officer, public or private person, anywhere, anyhow for the sake of our nation. Struggle for freedom from corruption will be started after this pledge only.





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