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Pakistan watchers say that Pakistan is a failed state. Now a new school of international affairs has put forward a theory that Pakistan is a terrorist state. The very concept of having a state for Muslims only where their spiritual, political, financial and residual interests are taken care of the Islamic style, was born in terror, nurtured in terror and flourishes in terror. Never mind the violence but strive to achieve the aim.

It was the Muslim League that conceived of a Muslim Heaven on Earth called Pakistan. To start with, the concept did not have many votaries when the political party of Muslims came into being in 1905. However, when the British govt in India chose to support it to counter-balance the Hindu dominated Indian National Congress that was clamouring for Swaraj or Home Rule, the new political party got a boost. In subsequent developments when the Congress party member and a nationalist leader like Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who was a successful advocate and a brilliant orator, chose to join the Muslim League, the new party came on its own. A nationalist poet like Mohd Iqbal who had written the popular poem, Sare Jahan Se achcha Hindostan Hamara,  nawabs and Muslim rulers of semi-independent states joined the Muslim League in droves, there was no looking back.


Turning over the pages of history of the independence movement of India, a student of history finds that where logic failed to convince the opposite party, the Muslim League chose to use Terror as a weapon. In 1946 the Muslim League failed to achieve its aim of sharing power with the Congress and its British mentors, now in the evening of their rule in India, were of little help, the Muslim League declared a Direct Action Day to wrest power. It indulged in pre-meditated rioting, arson, killings, kidnapping and rape of women in the city of Calcutta. The mayhem continued for days until the metropolis looked like a ghost town. The supremacy of the Muslim League in the undivided Bengal went unchallenged and the Muslim League tasted the fruits of Terrorism of the worst order. Perhaps the Muslim policy makers chose in Calcutta that Terror be adopted as a policy as it paid rich dividends.

Pakistan was born as a Muslim state on 14 August 1947. Although Jinnah, Governor General, professed that the new country belonged to men and women of all faiths but the reality check proved otherwise. The prominent Muslim leaders made a decision, without taking Jinnah in confidence, that there was no place for the Hindus and other minorities in Muslim Pakistan. Terror was let loose, hundred times worse than what was witnessed in Direct Action in Calcutta, and the Muslims of Pakistan treated their Hindu compatriots worse than what marauding armies of Nadir Shah, Ahmed Shah Abdali and others had done centuries before. Pakistani Terror showed its Savage face and mass migration of population was a heart rending scene that may not be recounted. Terror paid dividends to the Pakistani perpetrators of savagery and that became a part of the state policy. Jinnah’s advice and directives were ignored. He was a dying man as the tuberculosis had the better of him and he breathed his last on 11 September 1948. The white strip in the Pakistan’s national flag, a symbol of minorities, was the only contribution he could make to assure the Hindus and other minorities that Pakistan belonged to them too. It was too little and too late. Most of them had migrated to India leaving all belongings behind.


Those who ride a tiger, end up in its stomach – the age-old saying is true in the case of Pakistan too. In the year 2011, a number of Pakistani citizens were killed and even military establishments went up in smoke as a result of acts of terror. Here Pakistani citizens have killed or maimed fellow Pakistani citizens. The moment there is a clash of interests, religious, financial or political, terror tactics is put into operation by one side or the other. The Shia-Sunni clashes are now worse than the Taliban-military gun duel.

It may be recalled that the founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah was a Khoja-Shia Muslim to whom the Hindu law of inheritance applied as is claimed by his daughter, Dina Wadia. And yet he became Father of the Nation of Pakistan, Baba-e Qaum, of a predominantly Sunni Muslim country. This is perhaps one of the many anomalies of the Terrorist State.

A number of senior political and government leaders were a prey to acts of terror. The first one was Nawabzada Liaqat Ali, Prime Minister of Pakistan. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, a former prime minister, was a victim of state terror when through machinations of his arch-enemy, General Zia, he was sent to the gallows. General Zia, a sitting President was killed in an air crash that was feared to be an act of terror. Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister was assassinated in a public place under a plan of conspirators that included the then President General Pervez Musharraf who is now a fugitive from law. Osama bin-Laden, the top terrorist was killed in the Pakistan army cantonment of Abbottabad and that proves the point that Terror does not pay even in a terrorist state.

A number of army establishments like armament depot, ammunition depot and the like of them are being attacked by terrorists inimical to the Pakistani establishment. It means a loss of life, limb and armaments that the army needs badly. The military establishments in Rawalpindi, where Pakistan Army Headquarters is located, were attacked by that section of the Taliban that is inimical to the ISI or the military top echelon.


The terrorist state called Pakistan is geographically sandwiched between Afghanistan and India. It has a reason to feel unsafe because it has harmed vast segments of population in both the countries. The hostility runs in veins like the life-giving blood. Let us read what the all-important ambassador of the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan posted in Pakistan had said about the host country. Ambassador Abdul Salam Zaeef said about the Pakistani people:

“Pakistan is so notorious for treachery that they can take milk out of a bull.”The Ambassador further said “They have two tongues in one mouth, two faces on one head so that they can speak everybody’s language. They use everybody, deceive everybody.”

The Afghans of the northern part of the country called Tadjiks do not like Pakistan and its people because of the deceit and chicanery. The Afghan Talibans have had a bitter experience of sharing political power with Pakistan after the withdrawal of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan. They fear that history may repeat itself after the Americans and the NATO forces are gone by 2014. In any case, the withdrawal begins now in July 2011 in a minor way. The Afghans would prefer their national army be trained to such a high standard that they manage security affairs of their country independently without the guidance of American officers and sergeants.

India too has been playing a constructive role in helping Afghanistan stand on its own feet. Building roads, hospitals with paraphernalia so that it is fully functional, constructing roads in difficult terrain for better communication etc have been India’s contribution to Afghanistan.

India has had very bitter experience of dealing with Pakistan. India has been a victim of terror acts generated in Pakistan and that too under the guidance of and with the active support of ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence organisation), a govt agency manned by regular army officers. The blood- letting in Mumbai was an act of the Pakistan state players for which no one has been booked in Pakistan, what to say of a trial in a court of law. One wonders if there is a point of talking peace with Pakistan when that country is bent upon fighting a shooting war.

The Pakistan Army is hand in glove with the Islamist terrorists. The terrorist state is advocating brotherhood with other Islamist terrorists. General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, Army Chief of Pakistan, is on record to say that the Taliban terrorists are brothers of the Pakistani soldiers. How can the army go after own brothers and kill them. The Taliban would protect the flanks of the army when Pakistan goes to war with India.

No wonder the US administration has either cancelled or put on hold military supplies to the Pakistan army worth 800 million US dollars because Pakistan did not have its heart in chasing and killing Islamist terrorists. India too has learnt from its experience of dealing with the terrorist state that Pakistan is a past master of the art of running with the hare and hunting with the hound simultaneously. It is well known that the terrorist state called Pakistan is torn asunder between Islamist Taliban and the green back US dollars.

Of late Pakistan is showing a tilt towards Islamic terror and seems to be distancing itself from the Muslim-hated America. Even the Haqqani network of terrorists have been sheltered and encouraged by the ISI, a State agency of Pakistan. No wonder, Mike Mullen, the outgoing Chairman of US Chiefs of Staff Committee has said that Pakistan has American blood on its hands. This has been the strongest indictment of Pakistan by a senior officer, Admiral Mike Mullen so far. The independent observers support Mike Mullen to the hilt.

Going by the Chanakya Neeti India would do well by not befriending a terrorist state, Pakistan.

By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM

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