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The Serial Blast in Delhi on September13, 2008 and then the subsequent shoot out in Batala House has become very controversial Issues for Delhi Police. Media Reports are afloat about the very truthfulness of the encounter. Frustrated Lawyers like Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan have raised fingers on the incident. While International Activist who have made no contribution to India like Arundhati Roy have lined up at Tis Hazari to make a hero out of misguided youth.

The fact that Inspector Moolchand Sharma was killed in the encounter has certainly silenced many critics but still the rumour on the encounter continues.

These people who are coming out in favour of the misguided youth who had indulged in Hard core criminal activity which killed more than 200 plus people, injured thousands and put the fear of bombs on the psyche of billion Indians are themselves of perverted mind who have no contribution for the nation.

So the question comes – What should the Police do to combat such act of terror. The terrorist are armed and out there to kill. They have no emotions. For them killing is celebration. So how do you tackle people of such mentality? If the Police do not do anything it is made the beating boy by the press and our political class .If they carry out any action it is said that they are indulging in false encounter. So what should the Police do? Will frustrated activist like Prashant Bhushan, Arundhati Roy and some politicians come forward to tackle terror?  If there own had died in terror they would have never made such statements.

The police have a tough task cut out. They have to arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of these heinous crimes. If the encounter is false then who killed Mool Chand Sharma. What about the constable who was injured. What about the information’s on the lap top which will be court evidence? What about the corroborating evidence. What about the many circumstantial evidences. What about the various recoveries on the statements of the people arrested. What about the travel documents of the arrested persons. How where these youth in touch with terrorists? How did they go to Bangalore to bring the bombs? And how could the police engineer so many people together from Azamgarh. The people who are making tall claims of false encounter need to answer these questions. It is good that the NHRC will be conducting a enquiry.

Our Criminal Justice system is time tested. An accused who is not proved guilty is merely an accused and not a criminal. These frustrated activists should let the Justice system decide rather to give out populists statements. Of course the youth who have been accused are youth but they are matured adults also. They should have understood what they are doing. Even our Juvenile Justice Act which goes all out for the welfare of the Children does have reformatory provisions for delinquent children.

The Indian Penal Code on Children who commit crime states that:

Section 82. Act of a child under seven years of age

Nothing is an offence which is done by a child under seven years of age.

Section 83. Act of a child above seven and under twelve of immature understanding

Nothing is an offence which is done by a child above seven years of age and under twelve, who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge of the nature and consequences of his conduct on that occasion.

When we examine these provisions it is amply clear that the law stresses a lot on maturity or understanding.

In the present case these youth were all mature and had reasoning as most of them were educated. Also they were adults and not juvenile. Therefore they should fight there case as per the law and get themselves acquitted if they are innocent. People like Prashant Bhushan should defend these youth and let the law take its own course. If innocent they will certainly be acquitted.

I pray to God that the youth turn out to be innocent. It really pains to see such young people falling to the nefarious designs of the Terrorists. It pains to see the broken homes of these young people. Also if they are innocent at least we will not have to fight our own blood and brothers. I say this because I am not a muslim , I say this because I am not a Hindu beating secularists  but I say this because I am an Indian and I will always be pained to see my brothers in the present condition.

Questions raised by frustrated activist lower the morale of the Police rank and file. No one will be ready to sacrifice their life when they know that questions will be raised. What do these frustrated activists like the police to do in combating terrorism? Call them and tell them to give a clearance before any operation is done.

Professor Mushirul Hasan has reacted in a breach of discipline. He was not pained by the campaign against his university but he wanted to appease certain sections of the Society and some politicians who run there business on secularism. Let the Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia give a list of students who have been provided legal aid in the last ten years to students who have been booked for crime. Not a single might have been supported, so why to day they are trying to offer legal aid.

In India right to representation in court and legal aid is mandatory and if any one is not able to hire a lawyer he can approach the court for it.



The immediate concern for all nation loving people is the dangerous trends which have been reported. How young educated students are being roped into this. How the terrorists are recruiting are youth and training them to kill our own citizen. If we are made to fight against our own people we will never win the war against terror. This is a matter for grave concern for our people. Remember a state will never be at peace it is fighting against its own people. We need to reach out to all and stop this dangerous trend. This is a new weapon to weaken our country by spoiling our youth. Our Politicians need to think over these issues. All parties should ponder over this and refrain from giving any remarks. We have to become united to fight to terror.

Senior Leaders like LK Advani of BJP should not indulge in rhetoric’s but think over how they are going to fight our own brothers and sons. 

The terrorists earlier used to be rest assured that one blasts will trigger a riot .We Indians have understood there designs and today bombs and terror acts will never trigger a riot. So they have designed new ideas and put our own brothers and children against us.

I dare to warn these politicians that today however strong law you make you will never win the war on terror. The war against terror in India today will be won only when we think why our brothers sons and children are so susceptible to the design of the terrorists. Why instead of fighting the intruder we are forced to fight our own blood. That is the real question and that is the key to fight terror. When we will be united no one can dare to touch us.


My hats of Jamia Students who took out a Peace March. They demonstrated there resentment against the bad image being portrayed about there university. The Peace march had student of all Religions and was unanimous against terror. This Peace march might have really sent jitters to the terrorists.



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