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Why Do You Need a Mentor?

Last updated: 13 July 2012
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You have been learning new things since your childhood. Just recall things you learnt from people around you.

1. Your mother taught you how to dress up and have food.

2. Your parents taught you how to walk.

3. Your friends taught how to play a particular game or various games.

4. You learn for 20 years in a school.

5. Your career counselor advises you the best career option.

6. Your boss teaches you thousand of new things throughout your career.

7. Your clients teach you to ensure best quality products or services.

We keep on learning concepts, behavior and thousands of other things from people around us.

Everywhere there is someone to teach us or to coach us.

And quality of our learning entirely depends upon quality of our coach or mentor.

e.g. I learnt driving from a person who used to drive car at a speed of 100 mph; so when I drove car for very first time, I drove 70 mph. Credit goes to my coach only; because by being in his company I felt confident enough to drive at a speed of 70mph on first day itself.

Had I learnt from a person who drove at 50 mph for whole life, I would have started really slow.

That is the only reason people run behind IIM, IIT,IBS, Harvard Business school, London business school and other top educational institutions ; they want to learn from the best. When your coach is confident you also become confident.

You must have seen all big stars, politicians, entrepreneurs and celebrities have their personal mentors who coach them different aspects of life e.g. communication, acting, health and diet, business development, productivity.

So if you want to become good at something, consider having a mentor or taking coaching and choose the best. You will automatically become good and confident by being in the company of a good coach.

Having a mentor - Action points for you:

1. Decide in which area of life you need a mentor to help you because you do not have liberty of time.

2. If you do not like your mentor, search another one; do not get disappointed, this world is full of exceptional people.

3. If you cannot hire a mentor for the time being, watch experts on or other sites.

There are thousands of exceptional experts’ videos online to help you to excel your confidence and career.

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