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A woman walks into a police station with a complaint. She has, she claims, been cheated. Cheated of Rs. 25 lakhs! And she wants her money back. And she wants the police to help her.

So far, so good.

What then is her story? And the interesting part begins.

She is a doctor by profession. Obviously very learned in her chosen field. One does not become a doctor without great intelligence. How then was she duped?

The good doctor met a woman who was in the possession of some “special” chemicals. One notes here that every time there is some problem, the word ‘special’ makes it’s appearance. In fact the chemical was so special that it could produce duplicate notes!Currency notes,no less. Yes, the paper that we normal, unlucky humans work our butts off to buy the next square meal.

The lucky doctor saw the day when she would no longer have to practice.  All she had to do was make money.  LITERALLY.

Moreover,  she needed to pay just “25 lakh rupees”. Which she promptly did. After all, opportunity never knocks twice.

Sad to say the “special” chemicals never worked. Not even long enough to recover the initial investment of Rs.  25,00,000/-. In actuality, the special chemicals swallowed the money. All of it.

Now you be the judge.

Should the police take her complaint? Should they follow it up? Must an FIR be lodged?  Should the ‘chemical manufacturer’ be tracked down and arrested? And then charged with what crime? Does anything else come to mind?

The fact, or problem, whichever way you look at it, revolves around the Law relating to contracts in India. One of the important points to be noted is that no one can enter into a contract that is illegal in the eyes of the law. One cannot agree to a contract to steal from a third person. Or to make life miserable for someone. Even trying to break up a marriage is illegal. So, if one asks someone else to create friction between a husband and wife, it is breaking the law. Simply put, two or more people cannot agree to do something, in other words enter into a contract, to carry out an illegality.  The contract is void “Ab initio”, meaning from the start.

Now the doctor enters into a contract with the “chemical specialist” and pays her a sum of money, called ‘consideration’. The contract is complete. But printing money, or trying to print it, is a serious offence; even if the equipment did not work. The intention of duplicating money is attempted forgery of the highest degree. The very act of trying to do sois punishable. The term is up to 7 years and a fine.

So does one go to the police and complain that she was duped in a patently criminal process? The cops should have arrested the doctor for a crime. Booked her on the spot, confiscated the “chemicals. The police is guilty of dereliction of duty. They too should be asked to explain their conduct rather than everyone laugh it away.

Courtesy: Moneylife

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