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VII CPC Report

seshadri vikrala
Last updated: 28 December 2015
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It is very rightly spelt out by Sri.SNC.KrishnamaCharyulu, Editor of "FEDERATION NEWS" MAGAZINE  and General Secretsry of AIRRF in  Nov/ Dec,2015  Magazine,that the  viicpc has done no improvement to the C.G.PENSIONERS-...."...It is beyond once comprehention how the Commission meticulously time and again wrote to the Govt. for views and on various demands of employees/ Pensioners and eventually sailed along the same lines for denying the benefits...!.";...."...Dismay,distress,despondency,dejection,whatnot- as the pages rolledover the Report,virtually engulfed everybody with gloom and feeling of down to the earth cheating with its outright rejection of the genunine demands and unwanted retrograde recommendatios..."

The 'Federation News' ( at page-4) has very accurately and minutely listed out as to how almost all of the pensioners demands(30) have been outrightly rejected/ not considerrd by theVII CPC.

Sri.Y.N.SASTRY, President,AIRRF,Lambasted vii cpc report and written a letter to the Honourable PM of India seeking intervention for improving the recommendations so that the senior citizens/ pensioners can lead their leftover days with some peace and dignity.

It is something happy to note that the vii cpc has done atleast one good thing to the RPF( RAILWAY PROTECTON FORCE) by making theRPF PERSONNEL/ PENSIONERS at par with RAILWAY SERVANTS in pay and perks as that of Railway servants and requestedthe GOI to fully agree and implement the vii cpc Report in toto (at page22 of FN).

In fact inteleetuals opined that the Reported hike of 14 odd percent is nothing but an increase to about 01-04% after deduction of Govt Taxes, etc., and that this may be due to insiders pressures and frequent consultations in making out Pay/Matrix,and pensioners Fitment Formula.

The RPF is no doubt, an Uniformef and an Armed Force, but, ironically for the reasons best known to the POLICY MAKERS, has been De-Linked with CAPFs( CENTRAL ARMED POLICE/ PARA MILITARY FORCES)  may be, only because it is working under the direct control and command of Railway Ministry.

Can we hope that the GOI at least take into consideration of extending vii cpc recommendations ( Para -10.1.48&10.2) for RPF also,being Armed and Uniformed Force as per Law,RPF ACT, and protecting the Indin Railway's System and working for safety and security of Rail Passengers, while granting exgrtia lumpsum paymeny compensation which the vii cpc recommeded for Defence and CivilForces. In addtion to this assigned job and other day to dsy duties, the RPF  also undertake Bandobast, VIPs escorting and guarding duties. It is opined that we are being treated like dead duck and managing with desultory dialouges. This may be only because RPFis not under the contol of Home Ministry. The GOI is also found to be  not inclined to vest more powers snd responsibilities under the LAW,by excriminating the GRP from the Railways, the rason may be that some intersted paties in GOI framing despise towards RPF , the reason may be that they does not want to  excrete the GRP and around 200 IPS OFFICERS working on Railways on deputation to GRP.

The other reason which can essily be attributable that the Constitution does not permit and that they do not want seperate Law to be brought in for RPF LIKE THAT OF RP( UP) ACT, or make any amendments in the Constitution to make special provisions for Railways, Public SectorUndertakings, etc. 

When the working system comes for comparison forRPF and METRO RAILWAYS IN DELHI, KOLKATA and in other States, it can be safely said that METRO RAILWAYS is to be under the control and command of RAILWAYS unless and until there is some Constitution amendment or a seperate Law is made. In my considered opinion there cannot be elevated metro railway under the guise and style of tramways. In some States this may work out as long as there arises question Law and its sanctity.RPF is being deployed in some Metro Railways.

Likewise, it is also observed that the vii cpc has recommended for DSCs( DefenceSecurity Corps) application of MACP Implemetation on compltion of 8/16/24 years of service while for C.Gs.,this MACP STANDS remain at 10/20/30 years of service. Herein, it is worth to mention in the words of our Editor that-..."... The employees and the pensioners belonging to predominently lower grades( GROUP' C' ) of pay and pension are the worst suffers ...( in the hands of vii cpc)..."

The VII CPC / GOI is found to be more interested towards Defence Forces and other CAPFS under the command and control of theDefence/Home Ministry, and not on others. It seems, they are not looking into the genuine problems, hardships of other CG employees/ pensioners, like the Railways, who are also placed in equal terms and Conditions,bounds.They are being treated as secondary citizens in sanctioning pay and perks.

Whatever may be the Defence Forces working, on ground reality, only defeding the country at borders does not bring peace and tranquility. One also should think of transport,which include movement of Defence personnel,goods,vehicles,by Railways, and others. In Law & problem,crime control, and IT,REVENUE AND BUSINESS development, one has to look into other departments, like Railways and taking all possible strains and constraints into consideration like strikes, work to rule,etc,the govt.may think its stand on future pay and perks to other CG.

The Railways and other depts too are always standing in fore-front in all aspects and occasions, let the govt. think wisely and prospectively in considering genuine demads and protect the interests of the CG employees/ pensioners.

It is pertinent to that the NC - JCM Staff side Constituent Organisations have shown its Metal and stamina, have already observed BLACK DAY TO SHOW THE PENSIONER' S  IRE on 27th Nov,2015, and the AIRRF initiated  PROTEST PROGRSMS by way of POST CARD CAMPAIGN , and the NJCA( NATIONAL JOINT COUNCIL ACTION) have already decided to go on indefinite Strike in March 2016, if the Govt. fail to reach a NegotiableSettlement with them by first of Feb,2016 .

The Govt. is ready to spend and already spent crores of Rupees on AND INTHE NAME OF BANDOBAST DUTIES for above such strikes, but not inclining to spend the rightful pay/ pension amount to employees/ pensioners.

The demand for implementation of Awards/ Judgments of Tribunals and the Courts of Law is also not considered by the VIICPC . It may be noted that any Rule formulated under the provision of an Act shall have the effect of Law, and the employees/ pensioners shall have the Right to knock the doors of the Courts for their junine and regionable demands including contempt of Court cases. The NAKARA JUDGEMENT, PAYMENT OF ARREARS TO PRE- 2006 PENSIONERS RIGHT FROM 01-01-2006 are just examples as to how the Govt. has to yield to the common cause of their / Public Servants/ Pensioners. We hope that no person wants tobgobto such extent...

Let us hope that the GOI rethink positivetly as for that of Defence , and on the vii cpc Report and its self decision making policy before accepting and implementing the vii cpc recommendations in true spirit without thinking on pay and perks increase, MACP,Pensioners genuine demands, without stating that " THIS WILL BURDEN THE EXCHQUER".




CEC Member ,AIRRF)

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