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Articles by Advocate Bhasin

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7 Steps for recovering your money if "You" are a Victim of an Online Recruitment Scam

  Advocate Bhasin   16 January 2015 at 11:17

With the advent of cyberspace, the number of online scams are on the rise and online recruitment scams being a major cyber crime with rising statistics ..

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Online Banking Scams: Are you a victim?

  Advocate Bhasin   12 January 2015 at 12:15

If you are a victim of an online credit card scam, then you can seek redress and relief under cyber laws. In the recent judgement of December 2014 by Adjudicating Officer, Information Technology Act, 2000 in the case of Bal Kishen Rai.v. PNB & ..

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Online Revenge Porn-Recourse for Victims under Cyber Laws

  Advocate Bhasin   03 December 2014 at 11:27

Online Revenge Porn means that when there are relationship break ups, then either party puts up nude pictures of the other or videos of their intimate moments on social networking media, blogs and other websites. Online Revenge Porn is on the rise w ..

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Online Romance Scammers- Legal Recourse for a victim

  Advocate Bhasin   09 October 2014 at 12:59

The deviant criminal mind and online impostor in the online dating arena can be summed up in two words the 'Romance Scammer.' The images that Romance Scammers prefer to use on fake dating site profiles are that of professional models and are ..

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Be Cautious: You could be giving out your own passwords

  Advocate Bhasin   06 October 2014 at 12:10

Hacking or unauthorized access to accounts can be of two types. The first is the one that would involve password cracking tools, but most organizations have cyber security features in place to prevent these attacks, however, it�s the second ty ..

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Work From Home - Cyber Crime Scams: Are you a Victim?

  Advocate Bhasin   29 September 2014 at 12:42

The Work From Home concept is very attractive for most people, as the advertisements offer huge sums of money for a few hours of simple work. But would you really be paid well for doing nothing much! If it is too good to be true, then it probably is ..

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Fake Social Media Profiles- Cyber Laws has a legal recourse for Victims

  Advocate Bhasin   26 September 2014 at 12:10

Fake profiles on social media are a problem most users face. Fake profiles of celebrities are rampant, as are also profiles with fake names and details. It's definitely alarming that there has been a 168% rise in cyber crimes in the last one y ..

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Fake profiles on matrimonial and dating websites: cyber law has an answer!

  Advocate Bhasin   18 September 2014 at 12:27

In the cyber age the traditional love marriages and arranged marriages are replaced by online affairs and digitally arranged marriages. Cyberspace has made getting into relationships pretty easy. There are online dating websites and online matrim ..

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Email scams- Legal Recourse for a victim of this cyber crime

  Advocate Bhasin   16 September 2014 at 16:15

Cyber space has certain distinct features like anonymity which make it a very dangerous arena. However, this sense of anonymity is not really true as every person and activity on the internet can be traced, but a layman does not have the knowledge t ..

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Cyber Defamation- Section 66 A controversy

  Advocate Bhasin   11 September 2014 at 11:11

With the advent of social media, there have been innumerable instances of cyber defamation. It has definitely become very easy to defame anyone as cyber space has no territorial boundaries and has a very vast reach. Defamation is defines as any in ..

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