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Articles by ambrish

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Struggle of A Lady in Divorce Case

  ambrish   19 November 2011 at 11:57

Struggle of A Lady in Divorce Case Start with a quote : Divorce is a game played by lawyers. -Cary Grant I dont agree with the quotation mentioned above. The reason of my disagreement is not that I am a lawyer by ..

Posted in Family Law  16 comments |   2817 Views

Principles of Legal Writing

  ambrish   05 November 2011 at 12:35

This article is intended for an overview on legal drafting and difference of legal English and general English. The principles are based on personal practical experience and observation of legal writing of Justices, J ..

Posted in Legal Documents  36 comments |   58825 Views

Sale of Immovable Property : Latest Judgment

  ambrish   28 October 2011 at 08:47

Sale of Immovable Property : Latest Judgment I am referring the latest judgment of Supreme Court on the burning issue of transfer of property by way of General Power of Attorney (GPA) / Sale agreement (SA) or Sale contract/ WILL. ..

Posted in Property Law  18 comments |   20593 Views

Inheritance under Hindu Law

  ambrish   28 October 2011 at 08:44

Inheritance under Hindu Law We are talking about only those inheritance where male or female Hindu died intestate. Intestate means without WILL. A person who died without writing a WILL is called as intestate in legal terminology. ..

Posted in Family Law  5 comments |   21530 Views

Know the rights of Your Daughter under Hindu Law

  ambrish   20 October 2011 at 13:05

Gone are the days when daughters were dependent on mercy their male relatives for their share in the ancestral property. I am referring the finding of Supreme Court in case of Gaduri Amma & ot ..

Posted in Family Law  12 comments |   5439 Views

Tax Planning On Sale of House Property

  ambrish   26 September 2011 at 18:28

Penny Saved is the Penny earned. Whenever a person sells any property, he has to pay income tax on the gain he earned. This gain is the difference between the sale ..

Posted in Taxation  3 comments |   2926 Views

Point to Consider Before Drafting of Tenancy Agreement

  ambrish   09 September 2011 at 08:09

Point To Consider Before Drafting of Tenancy Agreement In day to day life, every one has to deal with tenancy agreement and people use to take the standard format of the tenancy agreement for accommodation available in various books and website wit ..

Posted in Civil Law  9 comments |   6567 Views

Learning From Fali. S. Nariman For A Lawyer

  ambrish   03 September 2011 at 22:16

Fali.S.Nariman does not need any introduction but just for the sake of formality I feel privileged to give a brief introduction that he is internationally admired and ..

Posted in Others  2 comments |   6477 Views

Arbitration Agreement : Examination of Appointment

  ambrish   29 August 2011 at 16:19

Whether an agreement is an arbitration agreement or not is crucial point in any contractual matter. Now-a-days it is a common practice in contract drafting to put arbitration clause ..

Posted in Corporate Law  3 comments |   3761 Views

How To Write A Legal Essay ?

  ambrish   24 August 2011 at 20:42

Write a Legal Essay. How to write a Legal Essay. Context and Plan in Legal Essay. Introduction and Conclusion to a Legal Essay. Subject and Body Content. Language of an Essay. Revise to Check flow of the Legal Essay. ..

Posted in Students  4 comments |   16300 Views