What happens if you get into a car accident and require emergency life-saving surgery and the healthcare workers fail to provide the proper standard of care, leading to additional harm? Known as medical malpractice, you would have the right to seek d ..
Returning to law school? Find out what matters most for older students. Explore top picks like Columbia and UDC Law with lawyersclubindia.com. ..
IntroductionIn the recent judgment of the Kerala High Court in Abdul Noushad @ Noushad Ahsani v. State of Kerala & Rizvana (Crl. M.C. No. 2575 of 2018), the issues concerning personal liberty, embracing religion, and the existing concern for cons ..
Interpol is often associated with tracking down dangerous criminals hiding abroad. One of Interpol's main tools is the red notice, an international notice to inform law enforcement agencies in other countries of persons wanted in a member country. Ho ..
EssayHub has become a hot topic among students searching for academic support. It's gained attention recently for its innovative features. The question remains: does it truly meet the hype? Or is it just another service in a crowded market?We'll dive ..