Please Tell me that how many Pay Leave, Casual Leaves, Sick Leaves should be provided to an employee in a year.
nitin (artical) 17 April 2009
Please Tell me that how many Pay Leave, Casual Leaves, Sick Leaves should be provided to an employee in a year.
Rompalli V.B. Swamy (Manager HR) 17 April 2009
Dear Mr. Nitin,
Usually its 12 cl, 12sl, 15 el for Shops and Establishment and 18.25 for FActories.
If you fall under shops and establishments, then better to have a look at your state's act.
badrinath (Sr.Manager-human resources) 20 April 2009
If its a "factory", annual leave with wages has to be given.Section 79 of the factories Act deals with it. casual leave has to be paid as per the company standing order. sick leave can also be given as per the policy of the company. Hence, as per the factories Act , only annual leave with wages has to be given.Other leave like casual leave and sick leave can be decided by the company policy.
if your firm is coming under shops and establishment Act, necessary leave has to be given as per that Act.