I got a new job in overseas, so that recently I shifted from india to overseas. In this situation, someone failed a complaint to police station (as a criminal case) that I got money from that party and I need to return. So police send the samman for me this month early. But in real, I never ever got money from that party. So I like to file a case through court and like to run a case in court without out of court compromise.
In this situation, Can I start a case in court without coming to india? I am ready to fix a lawyer and ready to pay for court for long term bail with the condition like I am ready to appear in court whenever needed. Will this affect my overseas career?
I am in big confusion, because somebody telling that I have to appear to court when the case filling even we have lawyer, then the police/court will inform to the immigration office or my foreign company to not allow to work there and travel back overseas.
My question is…
Can I start a case in court without affecting my job in foreign?
Can I get a permanent bail till this case ends, since my job should not affect by this case…?
Who is the right and bold lawyer to handle such kind of cases in bangalore/chenna?