Dear Sir,
I am leaving in society which have last year registered under Cooperative housing service society in Gujarat state and have 83 flats in totel (4 buildings). The buildings are 4 years old. The bulider did not took interest in Registration of the society. So few owner of the four building come together and took the charge and formed the Registered society.
One of the owner of the flat and also member of the commitee after buying the flat three years back did reasonable changes inside his flat. He took over the balconies of the house inside the rooms, converted one of bedroom into kichen and Kichen into bedroom. Inshort he totally change the approved design of his flat with or withour the permission of the Builder and definately not to the knowledge of the local auth. He took away appox. 4 x 5 sq. ft of the common passage near his approch. As during this act there was no soceity formed so no body came agaist it. I did talk to the other member of the committee regarding this illegal act but no one is interested as no body know the actual law.
My question is:
1) Can any body do permenant stuctural changes inside his flat ?
2) Can one build a permanent stucture on the common passage?
3) What action commettee member can take on the owner?
4) Do he has right to hold the repossible position in the committe?
5) How to proceed further in order to remove the encroachment.?
6) under which law this things are illegal?
7) Can you give reference of some legal action taken by our honourable Court or Registrar of Cooperative soceity?
Thanking you all in advance.