Assuming that the writ of HC, Jaipur, runs at least in its own Jaipur Despatch office, and the Sessions Court, LakshmaNpuri, Iam about to embArk upon Jaipur High Court duty , mentioned at title of this post, and hence titled the sub-category of this post as POLICE, as POLICE at LakshmaNpuri forms the other link, in the delivery channel. I have sounded the following supposed-to-be-responsible officers, prior to my landing at LakshmaNpuri on Jaipur High Court duty, in the porous delivery pipeline, with varied interesting reactions: 1. Mr.Shailendhr BAbu, at Sessions Court, LakshmaNpuri, cell:99845 27000 2. Mr.SasikumAr YAdhav, cell:94544 03883, supposedly in-chArge at IndhrAnagar P.S., (the PS nearest to my ex-complainant-s home at 518, MAnas Enclave, IndhrAnagar, LakshmaNpuri-PIN:260 016;cells at said home:94129 33213; 99984 53198); and perhaps having some say over the foot-soldiers in the collection from Sessions Court and delivery at MAnas Enclave as said before- namely, Mr.PrajApathi,cell: 94551 28223; Mr.Jameel Ahamadh, cell:94520 43100. and 3. PRO, POLICE, LakshmaNpuri, cell:94544 01502. Dear fellow-readers here, pl. help me to crack the porous delivery channel perhaps mostly at LakshmaNpuri(Lucknow/LakhaNau, i mean), with more relevant info, names and cell nos. and wish me and Jaipur HC, good luck and Lord LakshmaN-s help, to trace the missing 24/2/15 hearing notice and ensuring delivery of at least the 18/3/15 notice on or before, say, Mon., 16/3/15. Oam Sathyam!, that may still be found in, and secured through, our supposed-to-be-nyAyAaalayAs!!