A man has an incestual relation with own biological sister. In order to hide it from the society he gets married to a girl but after she comes to know she walks out on him. Their divorce happens in DEC 2009. Then he gets married to a divorcee having a kid and forges marriage photo dates in a preplanned way to show that their marriage took place before their divorce. He consults lawyers to dupe second girl in this fake marriage so that he can enjoy married life with her but can dispose her off if she comes to know of his incest.
Now second wife has come to know of his incest and hence he has applied for nullity of this marriage after 6 yrs of living with her stating that she married him when she wasn't divorced. Basis fake dates on marriage photos.
Hiding his own divorce , and proper legal marriage certificate of date 21/1/2010
How can such a man be exposed and put behind bars ?