Please advise on how to handle this situation.
all this happened around 1999..
party A owned some 1.5 acre of land with some commericial business on it, in main road in tamilnadu. due to road extension , national highway took over some land and a good compensation was fixed based on the market value. VAO and revenue official asked for some bribe to get the funds issued.but party A declined to part with them and complained aginst him. got irritated,the revenue official issued check for only 1/10 of the actual market value and got tranferred. party A eventually sold out the property in mid of 2005 and moved out. now this property is curernlty owned by party B.
fast forward now, is it possible for legal hier (who was minor back then) of Party A to file a case on the govt for such irregularity in issuing the fund now and get the claim and possbily bring out the corruption involved? if yes, what is the first step to start on this. file RTI and gather all details.please advise.
will this case stand out in the court?