I have following 10 questions to CEO( Chief Ex Officer , Cantonment Board &,DEO(Defence Estate Officer) Secunderabad :-
a) Who is responsible for encroachment on Defence Land- Is it DEO, Station HQ or CWE/GE ?
b) Which auth is responsible for approval or sanction of any construction in any Defence Land?
c) Which office is to be reported if someone notices private construction on a defence land?
d) Is there different types of vacant defence lands responsibilities of which clearly demarkated?
e) What is the responsibility of DEO once such an encroachment is brought to his notice?
f) What is the going market rate for renting of govt accomodation to private parties for commercial use?
g) Who is responsible for complying with govt orders on the subject?
h) If Sub Area Cdr , who is the chairman of Secunderabad Cantt Board is himself a defaulter which auth is to be approached to report the matter?
j) What is the going rates for sign posting / wall posting on both sides of Cantonment maintained metalled roads? Who is responsible to regulate such hoardings?
k) Who issues licences to the vendors who have their shops placed permanently ( eg Fruitstall near Neredmet X road) or there is no licence at all?
DEO has no email address on the net. I am posting these question open to the forum . I am sure I will get the answers.