My enquiry relates to the old law passed by Mrs Gandhi, which to date has not been changed in regards to land and property. Why is it that resident of India, family member or non family members are still allowed to take over ones land.
I am an NRI with land and shopping centre based in Gujrat, my father passed away in 1993 and till now I had no idea how or what the state of our land was, as I trusted my dads younger brother, who now refuses to give us which is rightly ours, his threatened my siblings and widowed mother, he wants us to remove our names from the lands, stating it is not ours it is all his.
I am not the only NRI facing such issues, this is happening all over India, why is it as yet, people like myself are having to suffer, due to lack of change or interest by Government in changing legislation which would favour NRI's.
Why am I being told this is a Civil matter and that I need to consult a solicitor, which is costly and the case can take many years to go through the courts and still hear no end to the matter?
My frustration to all this is one of if one does not have the necessary funds and does not trust the judiciary system of India to act in a manner of professionalism what can one do. I have recently returned from India after a stay of almost 3 months and without bribery you get no help. Solicitors demand thousands of lakhs rupees to work on your case but they also state this can take up to 10/15 years to get to court.
Is this what being an NRI is about, is this how we are to suffer for many years to come. I know the answer I will get from your embassy and that is one of sympathy, and that this is a civil matter, seeing that our names have not been removed from the land, and that we should take the family member involved through civil court.
Being a civil servant in the UK I expected better treatment when I visited India to find what and how to go about getting what is rightfully mine. But I am not surprised as I cannot and should not compare how UK treats and helps its citizens and others in all aspects of their concerns.
I am again planning to travel to India at the end of the year to try and find out further as to what else I can do to get my uncle to give us the land which has our names on and what quick process there is, I would appreciate a response from yourselves with useful information rather than the typical answer "we are unable to help, in this matter"
many thanks