As mentioned in the section above, PAN Card Application can be made either online at the NSDL website or by applying at any of the district level PAN agencies. Applications for new PAN allotment as well as those for correaction or change of information can all be made bycustomers. Additionally, there are ways to obtain duplicate PAN card in situations where an entity loses or misplaces the PAN card. Indians, foreigners and NRIs all can obtain PAN, although the forms and procedure may vary for each of the these entities. Application forms for new PAN and reprint of PAN are different. Once, a user makes any of the above applications with regards to PAN, he can track the status of PAN application via the acknowledgement number furnished by NSDL. A PAN card can be applied for through the NSDL as well as through the UTIISL. Applicants can submit their PAN card applications either offline or online.