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Sagar (Front office manager)     20 February 2015

Please advise

I am working for a hotel as front office manager. One day one of our guests has booked a car from us. But unfortunately his company also has booked one car for the same person at same time from another source. When the guest asks for the car at reception we have shown our hotel car and guest has taken the hotel car.

Since guest has not taken the other car the driver of the other car has called up his owner and both of them came to hotel reception and started using abusive languages. He has threatened to fire up the hotel and used abusive language to my female colleague also. We have requested him to be polite & cool down .After more than 10 minutes request also he was not in a mood to leave the reception and started arguing and finally I have slap him and later kicked him out.

Afterward he went to police station and put up case against me saying that I have beaten up using stone. Where I have entire CC footage that I have not beaten up by using anything. More over the car he has sent for guest uses has a white board not and yellow board.

I too had given a complain to police station but police has not taken any complain till now

As I was on duty with the company shall we also put up a case against him on letter head?

Actually company is interested to do so.


Kindly advise how to move ahead.


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