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Proposed amendment in mariage act

Page no : 2

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     20 August 2010

once lord barnard shaw told - marriage is nothing but a legal prostitution. leave it.

ld. members, thread question is - proposed ammendment in marriage act .....


to be more precise punters

sivani (engineer)     20 August 2010

I also endorse Surenderji's view.  Even I urge all women to come together and unite.  The time has come and it's nice to see there are men like Mr Prabhakar, Mr Ashutosh, Mr Surender and i am sure there are others 'Gentlemen' like them who would also like to support us and expose the myths that women are getting justice and equity. 

Sreenivas V (S/W)     21 August 2010

Hi Surendar

Your point here shows all women are good and boys are bad. I am very much wants this IBD Act

But I want to highlight mainly two points here regarding 498A. I am currently a victim of 498A, so I am so much aware of this section and also know about other people who are fighting this case.

There are some genuine 498A cases which I also feel justice to be done for the girls in these cases. But in reality justice is not being done instead more harrasment has been done to them. Also there are some cases where the 498A is just a total false just to protect the girls fault. Here also the same court is protecting the girl. So in both these cases what I observed is that the court is protecting the ones who done the mistake but not the others. So I think many of this site readers might also seen this scenerios in thier real life. So I feel 498A is being just used as a money earning by some corrupt people which is spoiling the lifes of many families.

In the new amendment coming I don't like the section 13D which says the boy has to pay money if asked. Can any of you read my case in brief here and still suggest 13D should be there. If any one says YES I want answers from them why I should pay money to get divorce.

Had an arranged marriage, after 6-7days came to know she was in love with another boy and she was infact wants to marry him only, and after marriage also she wants him only. She directly told me that by her parents force she agreed for this marriage. But that boy no job, I am a SE, so girls parents hide this fact and done marriage. So when came to know about this kept in elders, now the girls parents filed 498A and other cases on us with all false allegations. The lover is still interested in marrying her, but her parents are now looking to get more money from us by blackmailing, not giving divorce also. Since 2 .5 yrs gone by still fighting 498A, divorce also another false case filed by them. Divorce filed by me but she is not coming to court since 1.5 yrs of the case. We just stayed together for 7 days and seperated. marriage not conjumated. Lover is still waiting for our divorce, she also waiting. Parents plan get huge amount from us and do her marriage to some one else as there are some idiots who are marrying girls just seeing the money. Before marriage they eloped for 15 days and that lover was beaten in public. so it is a prestigous  issue for their family of doing their marriage now. Now the girl is her parents custody.

So in this case why I should give money, infact there should be a law to pay money to me for the cheating they have done and spoiled my life and career. But I agree there may be some cases where the boy side is total wrong also. So my feeling is there should be some reasoning for the 13D to be applicable. It should not say just being a girl or woman the man has to pay her some money to get divorce under IBD marriage.

I am not going to more details on exactly what is the complete story and what happened, but this is a true story given in brief. This happened in PENUGONDA, W.G Dist, A.P.

 I should say all MEN should wakeup and try to fix this section 13D with some clauses. For being a Woman or Girl she should not get money. In fact who is wrong should pay money to the other party who is correct. It should not be boy/girl, man/woman. It should be honest/innocent, correct/wrong, true/lie



agree with srinivas ji. but in metros i disagree . in metros 95% cases are false. i sometimes attend 498a courts i see how many girls want to file 498a as a weapon in divorce. if u hear reasons for filing 498a in court , its a mockery of 498a itself.

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Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     21 August 2010

@Mr. ss 

 I just want to remind the readers of the fact how some men are using the word Prostitute and legalised prostitution  with so with so much of frequency. This is after all a few  men's views which does not represent  all men. In this form even in the most harsh arguments, women have not used such derogatory words for men, as enlightened upon by Mr. SS  So this shows the boundaries of decency which women do not cross. 

Before calling marriage a legalised prostitution, look into your houses where mothers, daughters, sisters and your sisters and daughters too may decide to get married.


Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     21 August 2010

Correction: Please read your sisters and daughters as these sisters and daughters. 

Read half complete sentence as Where mothers, sisters and daughters are there and these sisters and daughters may decide to marry. 



What an intelligent post. Let me start examining it


1.       Marriage is solemnized when both boy & girl decides to tie the knot so dissolution of marriage should also be by mutual consent only or if one party wants divorce then it should prove the fault of other as in present act.(various grounds for divorce : adultery,cruelty,desertion and mental illness). Irretrievable breakdown changes the terms of divorce from a fault basis to no fault basis.It


What a CRAP!!!!!! In India marriage are done after consent from boy, girl, both of their parents and relatives. As per your logic , not only  boy and girl should consent.. but their parents and relatives as well .... Lets propose to make their consent as a requirements too.



2.       With this amendment the Hindu wives have been painted as money seeking whores. The bill has reduced a Hindu wife to that of a prostitute. We really condemn the gross demeaning of sisters & mothers.


Not all woman. But only extortion seeking woman are painted as money seeking whores and rightly soo. There any many woman who does not  and who will still be respected and mother and sisters and sometimes ... GODESS.



3. Divorce is alien to Hindu culture. Adding irretrievable breakdown of marriage as a ground will be a blow to Indian family values. People will work out of commitment of marriage even at the drop of a hat. Men have always been polygamous & just need an excuse to go for newer pastures.



OHHHHHHHH... What a charecterisation of a man!   You are a man( I have my doubts though..) Lets apply your definition to you. As per your charecterisation you are a polygamous. With how many woman you have illicit relationship?


India has produced men like  Vivekananda,  St Ramakrishna, Gandhi, ........Think before opening your mouth


Do you want me to continue?........


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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

thanks avinash ji,

good urguement.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

It is no secret that India is a male dominated society. The recent amendment in Hindu Marriage Act will only increase male dominance.



Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

If this amendment makes it easier to get a divorce by mutual consent only then it is a good move



Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

but irretrievable breakdown of marriage as an independent ground for divorce will be devastating for the society & a mockery of marriage will be made.


- THEN 498A ACT;


Already makes the marriage mockery & jockey. Now people compel to think about ‘live in’ relationship. Maintenance hunting (!) is the main cause of it. They (Maintenance hunter) are ruining

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

the essence of marriage. They are the killer of marriage named institution.

Our Government forget that “anything too much” - is bad. Innocent people paying for fault of The Government.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

This amendment will ease ………..  which is not good for society.

Baseless imagination. Where is your logic?

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     22 August 2010

2) With this amendment the Hindu wives have been painted as money seeking whores. The bill has reduced a Hindu wife to that of a prostitute. We really condemn the gross demeaning of sisters & mothers.

Women file false cases u/s 498A (Dowry Act) , DV, Cv PC 125 etc and accuse all (most) of the husband’s family members for mentally, physically harassing her for dowry.

But why one forgets that women have a harder time taking rounds of courts for years together, besides facing verbal and emotional abuses from their own family members, lawyers, police officers etc. Only circumstances drive her to the court/police where she is forced when torture she faces become unbearable. Also, Sec 24 does treat man & woman equal while seeking compensation but why men always attack this section? Because as they are earning, they are not entitled to any thing under this section. More over amount granted as maintenance is always very meager which is not even sufficient to meet both ends.   

Tell wife not women.

Under the cover of women, a section of dishonest wife eating their spouse’s hard earned income. It is a dishonest activity. From the medieval period, this is continuing, without any logical ground. Now the time has come to stop this barbaric system.

The supporters of maintenance must have to answer –

Why maintenance?

Why one spouse will maintain the other?

What logic? On which ground?

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