Ajay Krishnan 18 November 2019
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 18 November 2019
If you are in India, they cannot legally recover the amount from you. But if the problem is not resolved and if you have any plans to go to USA, you can have problems. As a person, who believes in fair dealings, try to resove the problem. If you had never left India in the meantime you can produce that as evidence.
Sourav Das (Advocate Supreme Court of India) 18 November 2019
yes, the can legally proceed against you either in india or in USA, which can later be defended. its tough to recover from you. but you'll be barred to go to USA in furute.
better, reply their notice through advocate, stating all facts and deyning their claim.
you can avail my services.