If I sign a Vakalatnama for a petition, who all have access to check my details in Vakalatnama?
Are the documentation details available in public domain?
Subharth 21 November 2017
If I sign a Vakalatnama for a petition, who all have access to check my details in Vakalatnama?
Are the documentation details available in public domain?
Dr. Atul [9013898936] (Lawyer, Scholar) 21 November 2017
Wow, that's a tricky question! Your lawyer has access to it, the other side's lawyer has access to it. The other side party can apply for, and get a certified copy of it. I think that's about all; general public cannot have access to it until the case is decided. So far as I understand, once the case has been decided and disposed, anyone can apply for the certified copy of the ENTIRE record, but not before; before the case is decided, only the interested parties have a right to the record.
EDIT: A more practical sugestion. If you're trying to hide something, well, anyone can give 50 bucks to the Ahlmad/Court Master, and see the record ...'unofficially'