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Nirav (Engineer)     31 May 2015

Wife harassment - divorce case

Hey guys,I am fighting with my wife for divorce and she is asking for money that is way beyond.I decided this to take it to facebook so that her friends know who is she.. 

I created a facebook acount to expose her.

note that I am not writing anything wrong. I will post her photos and her messages. I can post her photo because she is still my wife.

Please look at the facebook link above and let me know if there is any legal action possible agianst me. I wont post any nude and s*xual content. Just the facts..


 4 Replies

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     31 May 2015

Very funny Nirav, you are complicating things by posting these which could be viewed as evidences against you. Better file for the contested divorce in court and sign off from the case instead.

Nirav (Engineer)     01 June 2015

Thanks sandykrish... I already filed for divorce but it is getting nowhere. I just want to expose my wife in her area and her city. She is from very small town and I sent frient reqests to alomost everyone from her town. They are people w/o any shame. If I go normal  waya, It will take years because of Indian courts working style

as per your suggestions, I will take down the page for few more days, but I do not understand is, I am posting facts. Not a single line is lie and  so why would it go against me.. girls can do anything and when I want to expose her, law is against me:(

She created the profile for 2nd marriage and I can not even post it on FB?

I have waited for divorce more than 2 years and these guys are not at all interested. I have already a girl ready for 2nd marriage. 

Please keep in mind that girl family are from the lowest family and so what are my next options?



i feell what Nirav done is right in a way, atleast he is saving anothr innocent person from getting trapped by her in the name of second marriage..

Nirav (Engineer)     02 June 2015

This girl is staying away from her family and so everyone in her city assumes that she is well settled.. I am not posting any wrong comment and i am not altering any photo or text. I am just making our conversation public. I also want that some local media get my attension and exposes girls like those. 

I want to change the face on India where a complaint made by a girl is treated like truth w/o any investigation. Why it is so?  If they are expecting equallity in life, face it b*tches!!!



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