When we go to the hospital 4 donatin the blood, the doctor or physician says to donate only 300ml of blood and dont go to hospital 4 donatin blood for 6 months... just imagine when d whole blood from d body is extracted fully even from fleshes inside d body... then it is being regarded as a merciless activity in d nature.... so d same thing is happening wit d earth's inner core by d increase in technology.... we r makin many hazardous activities like mining, extracting many fossil fuels etc, which is regarded as d earth's blood and breath.... The earth 4 first time has given its punch on humans in d name of Tsunami.... so now it is again givin in 2012 as "DOOMSDAY".. it is estimated that there will b 80% destruction in human resources.... so now the earth has tolerated to d maximum extent, now it is bearing d rotten fruits in its inner core... it is being estimated that nearly 60,000 barrals of petroleum is being extracted from d earth's core each hour in d great oil station of Mexico. Even god is helpless to stop this danger.... only man can stop if he tries.. but it is also of waste.... the earth has tolerated more....