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A husband has moral and legal duty to provide a decent maint

Page no : 3


When the family runs smoothly then the duty of a husband or duty of a wife  is not a matter to discuss.

But here we are discussing about  those families where lives of women go worse for their husband or the in-laws.

What i saw in my friends case that the philosophy of a man is that "if he is given chance by a female why would he not take chances?'.

This is the reason we don't hear about cases of s*xual harassment by woman against man. 

..Almost 99% men think moral is a thing to deal with women only.

If anybody brings forward the cases of domestic violence against man by women, then surely duties of wife will be discussed.

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sivani (engineer)     12 November 2010

@utpala, I don't know which DV cases you are talking of that have given good maintenance.  Recently, in the paper it came that the HC had raised the mainetnance 8-10 fold for a woman so that she could live in the same standard as she did in her marital relationship (and the article came across as a big achievement for women, the joke of it is on)   The increase was from Rs 2500 pm to Rs 20,000/- pm.  Wow, what a great increase (if the men don't catch it , the Wow was said sarcastically) when the husband's income was hold your breath in Crores!!!!!!  I bet he would be wearing designer shirt of Rs 2500 per day while the woman was to not only maintain herself and her daughter in that amount but also live in the standard she was used to.   What a joke.  Forget about the physical abuse, which most times heals.  Can one ever compensate for the emotional abuse that a woman takes to save her marriage.  No amount of compensation could ever heal the injury caused by breaking a woman down completely.  And i am not talking of only illeterate women, i'm talking of educated so called urban women, who listen to all kind of abuse and file the DV only as a last resort.  The pittance doled out to them that too after running pillar to post is abuse itself that they further suffer and then they are told tehy used the husband as 'free ATM', gave false DV, etc etc  This is the reality.

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u r right sivani...

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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     12 November 2010

Yes trauma and stigma of divorcee tag can not be compensated and equated with money.  Mostly maintenace used to be peanut, in spite judge showing generosity. On the other hand judge gets branded as feminist.


Only in one case maintenance has been enhanced to a respectable level.


Woman's interim alimony hiked from Rs 40,000 to Rs 1.25 lakh

January 16, 2009 18:51 IST

Accepting a woman's allegation that her husband concealed facts related to his income, the Delhi [ Images ] high court on Friday ordered a three-fold increase in her interim monthly maintenance to Rs 1,25,000 from Rs 40,000.


for complete news see the Source Link below;


and the judgement of this can be downloaded by the link below

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aisha (fin adv)     12 November 2010

yes , Thats very true and i welcome judgement.

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hedevil hydraheaded (non professional )     12 November 2010

Being called feminist should not be taken as an abuse, one should take it with pride, because feminism is a great ideology--now there may be ideological differences but one should never avoid the term just to please some people. There are feminist men and feminist women. When you start asking uncomfortable questions about power relationships, you are called feminist, well, not wrong, but you are called that in a way and by the people who hurl the term at you as an abuse!


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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     12 November 2010


u r right  hedevil hydraheadedji,

That is why the terms are "Sister Concern", "Mother tongue", Mother Land" etc there.

Also Mahatma Gandhi had said that,

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

Some females lack in courage, and boldness, and this weakness of them are takong toll on them.


I would like to know the characteristics of FEMINISM....Please tell me...

BTW,  one shouldn't follow any ideology just for being termed so.

Not only female but some male also lack in corrauge and boldness.That's why they are yet unable to make a stong movement to STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON THEM BY FEMALES!! !(as some people are saying that L aw favours women)

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     12 November 2010

"Not only female but some male also lack in corrauge and boldness."

Females need these attributes more.


It's true that females are physically weak.

Beside that difference,  both male and female possess the same humanly qualities...


This judgment is poor.


Sallary, many times, are secodary to other career goals -- position, growth chances etc. One example is when an entrepreneur takes a plunge and starts soemthing. He/she not only stops earning, but start sbleeding  money initially in hope that their would be higher  earning some day. /As per the current ruling  entrepreneurship should never be allowed.


If we apply the yardstick people are proposing by twisiting the judgment quoted in this  thread, man is expected to pay maintenance in this case also. WHY?

But the same members who are proposing maintenance in this thread from lesser earning husband, suffers amnesia when a woman, to harm her spouse, leaves her job and claims she is not earning. Also they are not ready to apply the same yardstick to woman who were working before and does not want to go to work and want to access FREE ATM

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     14 November 2010

People try to deny maintenance by various tactics. Also they feel/take pride in throwing away their own wife and children on the road or in a pitiable condition. Also it seems that they have conquered/won the Red Forte.

Siv (engineer)     15 November 2010

The moment wife files maintenacne case after leaving the home courts may order to pay maintenacne. If that women goes to another man and sleep with him, which whom thusband has to sleep and f**k.


What happened to wife responsibilities in this regard .... not required... man has to f**k someone on road whom ever he encounters... this may happen if court takes years to settle the matter....

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     15 November 2010

Very nice language and thought, keep it up. It may bring accolade to u.

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Siv (engineer)     16 November 2010

This language is better than the language used in movies.... I am learning bad words by seeing movies and practicing everyday everywhere....

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