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A well said strategy to fight false 498a,DV and maintenanace cases

Page no : 6

Hiten (Executive)     15 December 2013

Hi sir,
  Trial court passed Interim maint in DV case in feb 2013, revision court kept the same decision. i applyed for stay in High court in May 13, first date of high court got 09th dec 2013, on the same day my lawyer withdrawn the application.

other side is issuing warrant everymonth.

Kindly give me some suggestion for fight this .

short details of my case :- I have filed case for get marriage Null and void as the 498 +DV+125 wife was already married and remarry me by hiding facts, she dont have divorce deccree from first husband.

we have given all proof in court. but maintanance awarded on the basis of "Live-In-Relation" in Feb 2013.


Can trial court reversed its own order of interim maintanance ?


Dear Hiten,

Very sad to hear your case and your approach:

Before concluding and throwing some light on this case I have the following concerns:

As you have stated a very breif discripttion of your case and it is not known that you have filled sec-11 HMA or not?

1. How much Interim you have been allowed by court?

2. How come you reach to know that her previous marriage is still intact and she had cheated you?

3. Does she still getting any maintenance from her previous husband?

4. Why your lawyer withdrawn the petition on very first day of hearing in high court?

Now, some guidelines in your case:


Void Marriage / Nullity Of Marriage


The term “void” can in general parlance be understood to be a synonym of the word “illegal”. Hence anything which is void would have one consequence for sure – that it would be illegal. A void marriage therefore means an illegal marriage. Now the question is when would a marriage be called illegal?

A and B, both major, enter into a matrimonial relationship with each other and with their own consent but without the consent of their parents. Is this marriage illegal? No, this marriage is not illegal merely because the parents of A and B have refused their consent. But what would be the position if both A and B are already married to say C and D or either A or B is married to someone else? In such a case, the marriage between A and B would be illegal as it would not be fulfilling the conditions for a valid Hindu marriage as prescribed under clause 1 of section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 [hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’].  Section 5 of the  Act says:

It is to be noted that section 5 just lays down the requirements of a valid Hindu marriage but it does not lay down the effect if any of the conditions laid therein are not followed. This effect provided for in section 11 and 12 of the Act. Out of these two sections it is section 11 that deals with nullity of marriage. It provides as under:

The effect of the above two sections, i.e. section 5 and section 11 when read together is that all marriages which fall within either clauses i, iv or v of section 5 are void. Under law, these marriages would have no recognition except as is provided under any law. It has been held by various High Courts that conditions mentioned is section 11 rendering a Hindu marriage null and void are exhaustive. It is only on these grounds that that a Court can grant a decree of nullity.[1985 1 26 Guj Law Rep 47; AIR 1965 Him Pra 15; ILR 1970 Cut 1215]


 Following are the grounds which shall render a marriage void:

1.   Bigamy:

 The first condition for valid Hindu marriage is that none of the parties to the marriage shall have a spouse living it the time of their marriage. If either of them has a spouse alive from an earlier marriage, their subsequent marriage is no marriage in the eyes of law. It is void ab initio and non est, i.e. non existent.

2.   Persons falling within degrees of prohibited relationships:

 Section 3(g) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 defines ‘degrees of prohibited relationships’. It provides as follows:

Lineal ascendants are to be seen from both sides, i.e. from the father’s side as well as from the mother’s side. So both the father and mother are lineal ascendants. Similarly father’s father is a lineal ascendant whereas mother’s mother is also a lineal ascendant. But a paternal grandmother is not a lineal ascendant but the wife of a lineal ascendant and hence would fall under clause ii. Similarly a maternal grand-father would fall under clause ii being the husband of a lineal ascendant. Clause ii would also cover daughter-in-law and son-in-law being the wife and husband respectively of one’s lineal descendants i.e. son and daughter respectively. A paternal Aunt (Chachi) and a maternal Aunt (Maami) would fall under clause iii and two siblings along with other relations described in clause iv also fall in degrees of prohibited relationships.

3.   Sapinda relations:

 Section 3(f) defines ‘Sapinda relationship’ as under:

Sapinda relations can be illustrated as under:

Suppose A is a boy. Now if he is considered as one generation, relatives falling in four more generations upwards from him from the side of his father shall be his  Sapinda relations. Therefore, A’s father, A’s grand-father, A’s great grand-father and the father of A’s great grand-father shall all be A’s Sapinda relations. But on the mother’s side, this chain is to extend to only three generations which include A. Therefore, A’s mother and A’s maternal grand-mother only shall be A’s Sapinda relations from the mother’ side, A himself being one generation.

By virtue of clause ii of sec 3(f), not only those who fall within the limits of sapinda relationship shall be sapinda to a person  but also where two persons have a common lineal ascendant who is within the limits of sapinda relationship with reference to each of them, both of them shall also be sapinda to each other. For instance A and B are brothers born out of C who is their father. D is A’s son and E is B’s son. Here D’s sapinda relations by degrees are A and C. Similarly E is Sapinda to B and C by degrees of relationship. Here D is not Sapinda to B by degrees because B does not fall in any of the four generations upward to D. But despite this, B shall still be Sapinda to D because both of them have a common lineal ascendant in C who is within the limits of Sapinda relationship to both B and D. Similarly A and E shall be sapinda to each other as they also have in C a common lineal ascendant who is within the limits of Sapinda relationship to both A and E.

Formal annulment of marriage whether necessary:

 Another question that arises in marriages falling under any of the above conditions is whether it is essential to get such a marriage annulled through a decree from a competent Court of law or is there no requirement for such a decree as the marriage is illegal and will not become legal if no Court pronounces upon its illegality? Different Courts seem to have answered this question differently. Reference in this regard may be made to the following judgements:

 Void marriage -  No declaration under sec 11 is necessary though same can be asked for, for the purpose of precaution or record.

AIR 1967 Pat 277; 1967 Cri LJ 1176

(1991) 72 Cut LT 619; (1991) 2 DMC 424 Orissa 

Marriage which is void ab initio does not effect or alter the status of party and neither party is under any obligation to seek declaration of nullity.

1981 Rev Dec 324 (All)

 Where a woman was married to a person having his spouse living, marriage is void under section 5 of the Act, 1955. Woman cannot be treated as spouse and included in family unit. The mere fact that parties have not approached the Court for declaration as contemplated under S. 11 does not alter the position.

(1978) 1 APLJ (HC) 360

 Going by the above judgements, it is not necessary for a party whose marriage is void under sec. 5 of the Act to apply formally to a Court of law for decree of nullity of marriage. Here however the following judgement need also be studied:

A marriage though null and void for contravening any of conditions prescribed by sec. 5 has yet to be regarded as a subsisting fact and that in that sense it could not be said to be non est in law or a nullity as long as it is not declared to be null and void by a decree of nullity on a petition presented by either party against the other party to marriage.

1981 All Cri R 294 : 1981 Cri LJ (NOC) 191

 The ratio set in this judgement seems to be in conflict with the earlier judgements. The Court in this judgement has very expressly recognized the need for a formal declaration by a competent Court pronouncing a marriage in contravention of relevant provisions of sec 5 to be null and void.

With all due respect to Courts which have delivered the above judgements, it is submitted that it is always better to get a marriage formally declared null and void by a Court of competent jurisdiction so that the fact of solemnisation of marriage (though void ab initio) is countermanded by the subsequent act of getting that marriage annulled.


Another significant question that now arises is whether the wife whose marriage is void under section 11 of the Act can claim maintenance from her husband of that void marriage. The Supreme Court has held that where a marriage is void, wife cannot claim maintenance under sec. 488 CrPC [sec 125 under the Act of 1973] (AIR 1988 Supreme Court 644). However it is a generally accepted rule that even in such cases, the wife is entitled to maintenance under sec. 18 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act [(1985) 2 Hindu LR 425 : (1985) 2 DMC 251 (MP)] and also under section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 [(1990) 2 Div Mat Cas 594 : (1991) 1 Hindu LR 56 (MP)].




1. See interim maintenance is always a discretion of court as it is not arrived after the final verdict of court on your void marriage.


2. 498A is not maintainable if your marriage is void ab initio.


2. PAWDVA 2005 is maintainable on you even on the ground of liv-in relationship.


3. The interim is justified by trial court or session court on very ground of liv-in relationship.You will have a good ground if interim judgement would be mentioned by liv-in relationship.

This mean that court has pre-asummed this marriage as void.So you have to fight your case to annul this marriage and protect your self from final alimony. As no final alimony is given in void or voidable marriage when it is proved.(for judgements you can visit to my thread "List of all judgements where maintenance denied to wives"


4. As per your breief I can suggest you this much only that Fight your DVA case on merit along with your null and void marriage.


5. Once you win the case their are many remedies you can get from her for all your harassment and monetary loss.


Thanks & regards,



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fighting back (exec)     16 December 2013

sufferer....a very great detailed information for everyone...hats off to you!!

D Seikhar G (self)     26 December 2013

Dear sufferer plz check your pm I hv send you my recent developments kindly guide me and make me to plan out my strategy.Thanks a ton to you for such an inclination towards the victims to help them.Hats off to you.

Rohit Garg (PM)     26 December 2013

Dear Saviour


Kindly tell me or gimme a link to:-

How I can file a suit for permanent injunction against my wife and relatives from entering my premises. Do we have to state the grounds for this ?



@Rohit Garg,

Your query is incomplete as you have not mentioned the owner on whose name that house belongs to.If it belongs to your parents or any body else then title holding person could only file a civil suite on injunction citing the reasons why he/she wants to do so.

As this is a civil suite the proceedings might be get delayed so meanwhile that person can pray for interim relief i.e interim injunction to stop such cumbersome which the title holder of that house is having with the list of person mentioned in the petition.

Whereas, A husband can't file a suite of Injunction against his own wife and minor children if that house belong to his own name as it is against RTR when a women is not having an alternate accomodation for herself.

But , yes he can file such suit for any other person related to her like her parents, relatives,siblings,freinds or any person who is creating a fuss over there which you don't like in your own premises.

Thanks & regards


Tinku Bhai (under law graduate)     27 December 2013

8) File a suit for a permanent injunction against your wife and her parents. Let her and her family not enter your parents' house. Name her relatives also in the suit, just to be on the safe side, and to insult them.

Dear sufferer under what section should be filled permanent injunction ? can by this permanent injunction wife be stopped abusing over phone and Tamasha at work place ?

please enlight more in detail.



@ Tinku bhai for you query :-

8) File a suit for a permanent injunction against your wife and her parents. Let her and her family not enter your parents' house. Name her relatives also in the suit, just to be on the safe side, and to insult them.

Dear sufferer under what section should be filled permanent injunction ? can by this permanent injunction wife be stopped abusing over phone and Tamasha at work place ?

please enlight more in detail.



MY Opinion: Permanent Injunction could be filed U/s 38 of Specific Relief Act 1963 before civil court.

You can't file injunction against your wife for not coming in to your work place until and unless that work place belongs on your name.However your boss could refrain her from coming and getting Tamasha over there as mentioned by you.

A wife who is doing this kind of acts at husbands work place definitely comes under severe mental cruelty and a perfect ground for Divorce U/s 13ia HMA 1955.


For more details on Permanent as well as Temporary Injunction read the article posted in MY blog by name "Know How to file civil suite of Injunction......"

MY Blog:





India is great (Service)     02 January 2014

Dear sufferer

need your valuable guidance on this WAR strategy ( As we know to win a war we must know enemy's strategy)

1.      498A was filled against me and my parents, brother on 12 Mar 2013 vide 156(3)at Kolkata. parents resides at kolkata , brother at Nagpur. me as a central govt employee posted at Delhi.

2.      Me along with wife was staying at palam, Delhi and wife left Delhi 0n oct 2012 to appear for some govt. job exam in Kolkata and never came back

3.       She wrote a complaint letter to my office (central Govt. ) for monthly maintenance on 05 mar 2013.

4.        Again filled 125 cr Pc on 04 jul 2013.

5.        Surprisingly till not filled 406.


     Based on your vast experience, can you please tell me what is their strategy , because they still  not filled  406

India is great (Service)     02 January 2014

Good Boy (None)     03 January 2014


Dear Victim_276,

You query is incomplete...and without knowing the details it will be unfair to suggest you..

1. You haven't stated the allegations mentioned Under her complaint case.

2. If it was filed through court then definitely her lawyer would have added the point of her stridhan in that alleging that your mother or any other member had taken all her jewellery with him/her.But magistrate would have not taken this allegation as on a prima facie based even after any depositions from her end.

3. It will be beneficial for you if you read the Certified copy of her case along with depositions.You will come to know where 406 is not standing or doesn't consist any specific allegation so that it had not been taken on prima facie based.

4. Not filing 406 IPC on you is not any strategy by her is my view. In my knowledge every women whenever file a case or lodge a FIR of 498A she never miss to write about her jewellery and her articles in it.And if she forget also then her lawyer will not miss that opportunity to write such point that Girl side has given this much cash that much gold and this ..this article as a stridhan to their daughter and all are taken forcelly by the groom side.So,here if her allegation about stridhan has not been framed as a case U/s 406 then definitely she has to file a separate case of 406 Ipc to claim her stridhan if it really stands with you.


India is great (Service)     07 January 2014

Dear Saviour

Thanks `for your reply. i shall come back to this forum  with full story of mine for better understanding by all respected members. i am a great fan of your-self, as you are guiding all victims very competently.

God bless you. May u continue this great social work for many more victims and provide a ray of hope in their darken life. Jai hind.


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Dear Victim_276,

Thanks for your kind words and you are most welcome to share your problems at any time.You can join me at my Google group as well as Google+





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The value of freedom is measured by the cost of struggle,If you need freedom then you have to become a fighter ….as no other option.


Tinku Bhai (under law graduate)     15 January 2014

sufferer brother ham to maare gaye , please help as urgent as possible because next hearing is on 17th january 2014

being a muslim

my second wife married me without taking legal divorce from her previous husband.

498a is under trial with her previous husband by now

after marriage with me she booked me under 498a .it means one 498a on me and one 498a on previous husband  at one time.

498a on me was resulted in final report by io and accepted by honourable court  .498a on preavious husband is under trial by now.

i gave her Talak looking her original color in a simple paper with her signature and thumb impression .

and i allow her to reside in my home for coming four months.

after four months i said her to evict my house but she clearly denied to vaccate my house

i filled eviction suit  in civil courtand another case for void and annulment against her in family court in november 2013

notice of both two cases was recieved by her on 2nd december 2013

she came in very anger and started Tamasha and nangapan at my work place

on 3rd december she gave complainant against me and my family in Mahila Police station for false dowry demanding .date 26th december was fixed for mediation but she did not wait for fixed date 26th december

on her complainant on dated 10th december police of another thana booked me and my family N.C.R under section 504,506 ipc with simple injuries.

but on dated 17th december she got order from court under (155)2 crpc for converting that N.C.R under section 323,498a ,3\4  and 316 ,452 ipc

her Tamasha at my work place is continue by now

on dated 3rd january she gave me threat on my phone to kill me if i do not transfer my house in her name . i recorded her voice giving threat to kill me .and gave this call recording to police along with complaint

on my complainant on dated 3rd january 2014 police booked her in a case of 323,386,504,506 ipc

but due to her political approach police did nothing .male io are afraid with her and denying to investigation

once again she made fool to court

on 8th january she filled another false case against me through (156)3 crpc under section 420,467,468,471,382 ipc  claiming that " the signature and thumb imppression  on a simple paper of  talak was not her " how ever the signature and thumb impression are only her not forged by me

argument for (156)3 is fixed on dated 17th january 2014 for above mentioned ipc section 

my question is 

being her original sign and thumb impression on the paper of Talak how should i convince to court that   not to passed any order against me for false complaint because her sign and thumb impression are original not forged ?

under what section of crpc or evidence act should i move application in the court to match her sign or thumb impression for showing her false statement ? 

being an accused in this case am i entitled to move any application in court to match her sign or thumb impression at the stage of (156)3 crpc being an inter locutory order ?

if there are citation please please provide

one important  great great digree of this false wife

she herself her father her mother her brother are accused of an another case of 420,467,468,471,120b in 2010 charge sheet has been filled against all of them and this time they all are on bail from high court allahabad after six months in jail



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