My birth parents had four sons, they had given me to my adopted father when my age is 3 months. After adoption of one year my births parents had died one by one. When my age is 10 years, My adopted father prepared one adoption deed, mention in this deed he taken me from my elder brother after the death of my birth parents death. My birth parents had leaved one agriculture land. after death of my birth parents this property transfer on my name & my three biological brother name. My biological brothers sale their share of property but they are not touching my share. My adopted father had died in sept 2009, but my adopted mother alive. Some body by bocus document sale of the birth parents agriculture land of my share as Sanjay. Please give the answer of my following question:
1. My adoption is valid or not because adoption deed prepared after the death of birth parents, Can my elder brother given me to my adopted father, my age is 10 years.
2. How can i transfer my share of birth parents property to my biological brothers because after adoption I have no right in Birth parents property.
3. How can i stop this bocus sale.
4. Can any body challenge my rights to adopted parents property, if yes how can i prevents my rights.